What Happens in Virtua Fighter 6?

Discussion in 'General' started by samtheseed, Oct 18, 2007.

  1. dapheenom

    dapheenom Well-Known Member

    I think handling movement through the stick is always best, but why does dashing need to be a double tap? This is what turns so many newcomers off of fighting games: basic movement is an advanced technique. A single tap in any direction (not just up and down evasion) would be a great way to dash. Offensive dashing could be available with a 9_3 tap. Lion and Shun's special backwards dashes could be 7_1 taps. You could have double tapping be special movements like Wolf and Blaze's rope running or a backflip for Pai. You could keep the quick ARM and make dashing much easier and efficient using only the stick.

    I always thought VF should introduce a throw button, since it's an integral part of the strike>throw>guard>strike dynamic. So you could have:
    P K
    G T

    P+G would be strong upper body attacks (formerly P+K).
    K+T would be strong lower body attacks (formerly K+G).
    P+K could be all stances.
    G+T handles all counters, reversals and parries.

    In doing this kind of setup, you don't have to have counters sharing a button combo with anything, and nothing would ever require more than two buttons to be pressed at once. Furthermore all of the button presses would be right next to each other without crossing over, facilitating play on a gamepads. Anything than makes the input of BASIC techniques easier to grasp is great. But you still keep you 270 degree motions and strict timing for advanced techniques.
  2. SoulKatana

    SoulKatana Well-Known Member

    VF6? lol not before 2012...
    but i BET there will be 2 new charas ROFL ^_^
    and this time of course incl. a new gal added 2 the roster...
  3. RawEmpire

    RawEmpire Well-Known Member

    What happens in "VF6" Staaaays in "VF6"...
  4. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    And with that I lock this thread as the current conversation is continuing in this one.

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