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what improvements will the 360 version have

Discussion in 'Console' started by 420Gamer4Life, May 10, 2007.

  1. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    You have to be kidding....the videogame industry is fucking massive. Games are not niche at all, how can you call a multi-billion dollar entertainment industry niche? Are movies and music niche as well?
  2. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Do we have soap operas about people playing games? Does prime time news report about game tournament results? Do stay at home moms gossip about the sex lives of the latest starcraft tournament winner?

    Hell... even a TV channel that's supposed to be about games shows more crap that's NOT about games.

    Good for you empnova, put on your "i'm a gamer" shirt and dance around the block.
  3. Aoimaster

    Aoimaster Well-Known Member

    In the end, as long as sega keeps screwing around with us release's. The scene here will have a huge resentment toward sega. It just seems like they never ever learned a lesson since the 32x days. Now its seeping into their software. We shouldn't be the ones advertising their games for them. If thats the case, we should all be on the payroll.
  4. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    Thank you.

    Same shit is going on at SRK about the SF:Remix. Crapcom decided to finally due what they should've done 12 years ago and people are like "We need to spend our $ on them so they do new projects".

    I swear loving fighting games is double-edged motherfucker. But doesn't have to be if people and companies on both ends (fans and creators) used their heads more.
  5. luosnomed

    luosnomed Well-Known Member

    on a side note VF5 360 Pre-Release
    Ships 10/2/07

    Go sega! go! WTF............more waiting
  6. TojiDestro

    TojiDestro Well-Known Member

    You didn't read the previous pages at all, did you?

    That's what sparked our current conversation. That date hasn't been confirmed yet, but it's still a pain for 360 players.
  7. Jayson

    Jayson Member

    Sweeptheleg, I'm glad I'm not the only one who does that. I am waiting very impatiently for this 360 release. I can only look at so many youtube clips and going to hk-vf.net so many times before it gets old and better the next day. I can't wait.

  8. luosnomed

    luosnomed Well-Known Member

    I was reading them and i saw some flaming going on. so i left for a while and came back. My friend on here told me the so called new date and i about died.
  9. TojiDestro

    TojiDestro Well-Known Member

    Yeah. The shit's gay. Like Patton Oswalt said, "This is gayer than 8 guys blowing 9 guys."
  10. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Movies and Music are both far greater then videogames are.
    We are but a tiny spec on the vast tapestry that is the world of commercial entertainment.
  11. Roy

    Roy Member

    So when will VF5 for 360 be released? i hope it comes with much more advanced graphics and AI ability in fighting. Just calm down and wait for the launching guys.
  12. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

  13. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Fighting games may be thought of as a niche, but gaming industry as a whole by numbers IS bigger than Hollywood atm. It just doesnt have a focal point like Hollywood so people would realize it.
  14. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Cigarettes, alcohol, and weapons trade among different countries world wide are also a much bigger and profitable revenue wise than games or Hollywood.

    So does that make them mainstream?

    I think any movie theater on any given weekend is much more frenzied and crowded than any console launch in history ever.

    At $15 for a movie ticket compared to $60 for a game.
    Hey, for the same amount of money, there are 4 times as many young males who probably wouldn't choose to play VF at home on a weekend. Add to that number the overwhelming majority of women and people over 40 in the world.

    Yes, you gamers are all over the place it's blinding.

    Anyways, I guess it's good for the game industry that their customer base feel like they are cool cause they're gamers or whatever. Have fun getting ripped off by ebgames or something and contribute to this thriving and booming industry.
  15. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    "Cigarettes, alcohol, and weapons trade among different countries world wide are also a much bigger and profitable revenue wise than games or Hollywood.

    So does that make them mainstream?"

    I am talking about entertainment industries...not the ATF. I suppose you would like to talk about agriculture and the bottled water industry as well?

    "At $15 for a movie ticket compared to $60 for a game."
    Ok....for $15 at the movies I get three hours, approximately, of entertainment, and once the movie is over there is no tangable product. With $60 for a videogame, it's an investment in entertainment, because while I might pay more for a videogame (and then an arcade stick), the time I get out of a videogame is much more in terms of hours per dollar spent. I mean I think I payed $70 for Mega Man X for the Super Nintendo back in 1993, but I played the game and beat it three days this week. I payed $40 for Starcraft and Broodwar together and I've gotten probably over a thousand hours worth of time from them.
    "Have fun getting ripped off by ebgames or something and contribute to this thriving and booming industry."
    As opposed to getting the wonderful financial deals that are presented to me by the movie and music industry? I fail to see how 'ebgames' is ripping anyone off anyways. $50 for a game is really not a large asking price considering how much time a game is worth.

    "Yes, you gamers are all over the place it's blinding.
    Anyways, I guess it's good for the game industry that their customer base feel like they are cool cause they're gamers or whatever."

  16. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    I think we're going off topic here.. This thread was originally about 360 improvements. A nice point was made that if the 360 version is ver C or whatever the PS3 should have a patch option for it..

    But we all know Sega won't do that right ?
  17. Garbage

    Garbage Well-Known Member

    We've had a gay insult realtime webcast since then.
  18. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    But that's the root of the problem right? Not enough players to support whatever they do. Add to that those of whom who refuse to buy the game based on console/features/upgrade biases.
  19. 420Gamer4Life

    420Gamer4Life Well-Known Member

    exactly, who cares if the 360 gets version c. as long as it promotes VF and gives it a new fan base. what if there were region restrictions and we had no choice but to import that would suck. i have a bad feeling this might be one of the last VF games thats released outside of asia. that sucks because this is bar none my favorite game franchise. support the game if you have the money and your a VF fan fuck it buy the game again just to have version c. tell your friends with 360's to buy the game cause theyll be getting the latest version.

    also whenever people ask me what games to buy i tell them VF. its one of the funnest games you can play against a friend. its got the best gameplay and character balance of any 3d fighter on the market. too many of you want sega to make VF5 on PS3 version c. i hope it happens but if it doesnt oh well. at least if youve owned a sony PS2 or PS3 youve been able to experience VF for a while now. i feel sorry for all the xbox owners who have been waiting for this game. i hope the 360 does get version c. think about it this way 360 owners are still waiting for a VF game.
  20. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    daam it fuck this thread...everyday i see this thread on the active topics (last 24hrs) hoping to see if theres any actual REAL news....but nooooooo its the same dudes speculating....STOP MAke it STOOOOPP!!! until theres some solid news to report on, all of you should just STFU!!!! jesus H crist!!

    /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif <--happy emoticon

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