What new FPSes are you guys playing?

Discussion in 'General' started by Sharp7, Aug 1, 2012.

  1. Plume

    Plume Well-Known Member

    I was able to cap flags at extreme speeds, and I was good at skiing. I could maintain speed, use terrain as cover, and change my trajectory making it almost impossible for snipers and spinfusor-wielding chasers to kill me.
    I could win most of my 1v1 fights with the spinfusor and after a while I started getting good at scoring air kills at short distances. All of that was skill. And it was extremely satisfying. I was doing all that as a SOLDIER.

    But absolutely none of that mattered whenever I met enemy characters who were using weapons that could deal constant damage, had higher potential DPS than mine, and they certainly didn't give a single crap about distance and angle. They could kill me in situations where anyone else, no matter how skilled, would not be able to with a spinfusor.

    Like someone said on the Tribes forums, automatics serve to counter jetpacks, in a game where the point is to use jetpacks.
    (And I'm not talking about scouts here, I'm talking about everyone else.)

    Tribes is a game with great potential, but it fell in an active blender that someone had previously used as a toilet.
    It's three games in one; the scout game, the automatics game, and the one that doesn't even matter.
    So much wasted potential... But it's nothing new. Most games willingly throw their potential away in order to please the kind of [insert whatever plural word you fancy here] who enjoy using automatics in Tribes instead of savouring the intended fun. And it's a kind of fun that should have been treasured.
    If I want to piss on people by holding left click on them, I can do so in the myriad of typical FPS games. Don't worry, I'm plenty good at that too.

    I think I haven't played Tribes in a month, and the wasted potential visibly still manages to make me angry.
  2. Sharp7

    Sharp7 Well-Known Member

    Man, I love the detailed criticism in these posts.
    Really sounds like they messed up with putting automatics in Tribes. I don't understand who it would cater to as the automatic fanboys probably aren't even that into the game. They probably put them there to add "Diversity" to the weapons.

    Reminds of when there was a riot shield in counter strike. They added that in for diversities sake too, but they were smart enough to get rid of it since it totally cheapened the game.
  3. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    The automatics in Tribes: Ascend still fire projectiles, so I have no idea what Plume is talking about regarding angles or distance, since you definitely do take them into account while using the automatics (perhaps not to the same extent?). It's still exceedingly hard to hit people at high speeds and awkward angles with automatics, but that may be beside the point competitive players are trying to make. For what it's worth, the Doombringer's chainguns have been significantly nerfed in the past month, which may have been legitimately OP.

    The damage per second may be higher on the assault rifle, SMG, or LMG or chaingun but I don't think what he's saying is credible if he is unaware of the simple fact that they do fire projectiles. Anecdotally, and from just pubbing, the vast majority of kills I get are with spinfusors and grenades.
  4. Plume

    Plume Well-Known Member

    Sorry, I was exaggerating with the angle thing, but it's still a valid point. To spell it out more clearly, you can just hold left click and correct your aim in real time. Of course it takes a little bit of practice, but it's nothing compared to the amount of work and skill that it takes to reach the same level of effectiveness as with a spinfusor.
    In fact it's impossible, not because of human limits but because of the projectile's speed.

    As a flag capper other than scout, you can be very successful by using the terrain to hide yourself from the chasers' point of view. Spinfusor disks are rather slow, so if you get in sight for a moment, it's not enough for them to hit you.
    Automatic bullets are much quicker and even allow you to correct your aim. You have plenty of time and bonus opportunities to deal some damage, and it's a huge factor considering flag cappers never regenerate health.

    Here, something I just remembered... While chasing a flag capper with a spinfusor, with a good shot, the blast might slow them down, but with a bad shot, the blast might give them the boost they needed to escape, so skill plays a bigger factor even there. Automatics don't have to worry about that. It's just a side thing though, not really a big factor.

    And of course I'm not saying spinfusor is bad (at least in pubs). When I played, I was very successful with it. The point is, it's still a worthless weapon compared to automatics because you have to put in much more work for something that, in the end, offers less potential.
    The reason why it's the exact same problem in high level play is not because these players can't use the spinfusor.
  5. Plume

    Plume Well-Known Member

    I've been playing Planetside 2 beta for a few hours and so far I'm disappointed... Though it's no big surprise, it seemed rather boring in the streams.
    It's pretty much a big scale meatgrinder. Spawn, shoot, shoot, die, wait you died? Big deal. Spawn 5 seconds later.

    Territory control switches very often, from what I've seen so far. So it feels very meaningless.
    Everything is big, but that's mostly outdoors, and personally, fighting with guns in the open hills is something I hate. I much prefer to fight in corridors and other indoors places. Luckily they deliver that, because the bases are very much small. They look big from outside, but most of the space is just thick walls, high ceilings, and thick floors through which you go via teleporter. It's just lots of unused and inaccessible space, and very few little spaces where fighting really takes place.

    For travel, in PS1, I loved to spawn in the sanctuary, grab a vehicle, and travel to the fight. In PS2, you spawn in an ordinary-looking base, check the map, and spawn at some random hot spot and begin the meatgrinder.
    By the way, there's a leaderboards for kills in a game that's supposed to be about empires fighting for territory. Is it meatgrinder enough for you?
    Back to the vehicles, I liked to use the ATV and mosquito to get from A to B, both vehicles felt light, simple to use, fragile but perfect for a simple way to get from A to B.
    Instead, the new ATV is annoying to drive because of higher realism, and the equivalent to the mosquito feels very heavy and, again, realistic, which is bad for someone who doesn't care and just wants to go from A to B and enjoy the scenery from the air at the same time.

    But none of that matters. Who cares about vehicles? Just bring the map and spawn to a new hotspot and go grind some more meat.

    Balance is weird right now, but that's a minor point. It's beta, they have other priorities, especially optimization. The game doesn't utilize the processor in a good way. But these two points are obviously a temporary issue.

    I'm sure I'm breaching the NDA but I don't particularly care. I'm just glad most of my hopes were already gone as soon as I watched the first Higby streams.
  6. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    Well the good thing with PS2 is that F2P means you're not stuck with an initial buy-in if SoE decides to abandon the game or keep it as it is. It can't be any worse than most of the maps on BF3...at least I hope. I'll definitely keep all that in mind, Plume.
  7. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    I did not play the original Planetside, but I'm really liking PS2 and the sheer amount of territory that switches hands in a given day. I played about 3hrs one night last week as NC, and we recaptured nearly a third of the continent SOE is using for the beta. I think some of the major facilities could be more interesting map design-wise but the sheer scale of the game and the amount of content more than make up for it.

    I have also been giving CS:GO a second chance. It's surprisingly decent but I'm thinking the weapon balance and lack of official map support have already become a big issue. The game added money bonuses for kills with weaker weapons. For ex: The P90 should not earn players $450/kill in its current state. 50 round magazine, ridiculous rate of fire and (bizzarely for a CS game) good accuracy on the move. I think there's a case to be made for it being simply too good. Meanwhile the AK47 and M4A4 feel a bit anemic compared to 1.6. It's nice that Hidden Path wanted to shake things up but the P90 almost has to be looked at because of how efficient and cheap it is.
  8. Sharp7

    Sharp7 Well-Known Member

    I played cs:GO a little bit.
    I like that its harder to kill people and its more difficult to spray.
    It might just be the newness of the game making it harder to kill as effectively in the older CS's though.
    Its just my preliminary analysis but I think its pretty good. I haven't noticed the weapon imbalances yet, but p90 does indeed sound OP, although I remember it being bad long-ish range like smgs in general so at least there are still times where you would want assault rifles if you could afford them.
  9. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    Spraying with rifles up close is A LOT harder than 1.6. I haven't found a way to do it with the AK. Tapfire all the way.


    Finally! It's out!
  10. Manjoume

    Manjoume Well-Known Member

    The most recent FPS I played was Killzone 3 but fighting games came out so I didn't do much beyond a few play throughs (no online time).
  11. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    EmX likes this.
  12. capt_catalina

    capt_catalina Well-Known Member

    Having fun with CS:Source while I await for my chance at GO come the holidays. Other than that, Quake Live is a good diversion outside of the fighters I prefer.
  13. cobratron

    cobratron Well-Known Member Gold Supporter

    The rush of shooters is starting. MOH, Halo4, Blops2. I'm only interested in HAWKEN and maybe Aliens: Colonial Marines at this point but I'm willing to try the others if they are good.

    Whats everyone thinking about playing for the upcoming holidays?
  14. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    Primal carnage beta, planetside 2 beta, firefall beta and of course BF3
  15. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    I'm done with BF3 for the time being. What a clusterfuck.

    I've played entirely too much Borderlands 2 since it came out, wow. Like I consider it a bit of a bad game mechanics-wise, but 4 player coop is just too enjoyable.

    I tried Ravaged. It seemed like a really watered down BF2 on UE3. It has/had good intentions but it doesn't seem like there's a finished game there. It seemed like there was a reason to hope for more. Similar situation with Nexiuz I guess.

    And yeah, Planetside 2 is the game to play lately. I'm on the Lysithea server atm.
  16. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    OH WOOW! they reverted their plans to include the color tweak console command OPTION?? holy shit this is gonna piss off a LOT of people.

    on ravaged, yeah it looks like an unfinished game but somehow im having fun :D

    I almost bought MOH yesterday...(went all the way up to the "place order" buton..so close..) since theres a 50% sale for Bf3 premium members. decided against it since i have until november 23 to make up my mind. my friend Cappo and I are debating whether its worth it. for $30 bucks it doesnt seem as bad, its a great deal.....but somehow...i just coulnt do it....we'll see how it is down the road.

    free 2 play games are lookign better than retail games :D
  17. Manjoume

    Manjoume Well-Known Member

    Playing N.O.V.A. 3 on my Xperia Play (really running around the Halo thing)
  18. UroboroSx

    UroboroSx Well-Known Member

    Perfect Dark Arcade

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