What will you be playing until the next VF?

Discussion in 'General' started by DarkVincent, Jun 10, 2009.

  1. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    Wait, what?

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Click to reveal.. <input type="button" class="form-button" value="Show me!" onclick="toggle_spoiler(this, 'Yikes, my eyes!', 'Show me!')" /></div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div style="display: none;"> Baldur's Gate 1/2, Quest for Glory series via dosbox, SF4 (if only there were casuals here [​IMG] )</div></div></div>
  2. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    playing SF4 and ST now because SF has a community and regular tourneys. Will be playing the new KOF, BB and Tekken probably.
  3. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    I tried playing SF4 but i kept trying to fuzzy - you can imagine repeated c.LK didn't get me far [​IMG]
  4. The_Shunjinkogh

    The_Shunjinkogh Well-Known Member

    I'll be playing..... I guess I'll play VF.
  5. MP

    MP Well-Known Member

    VF, SF, Fallout 3, Ace Combat 6 and any mmo's that may come along..
  6. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    While I am sure that VF5R will eventually come out, I just can't go on supporting Sega man. They are just ridiculous and depress me.

    Starting with what I can find from my DC collection I have put up some of my games on Ebay if anyone is interested.


    I posted the link on Sega FB page, but I am sure they will delete since they already deleted one of my other posts from yesterday. Really weird because I didn't even say anything bad to or about them.

    Any way looks like it's back to DOA or learn SF4 for me or just start hitting up RPG's again in the near future. I'll do my best to ride the VF bandwagon till WCG, but really just the thought of no possible SOCAL for next year fucking pissing me off. I had such a good time and getting to see all these people just once a year is not enough.

  7. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Yo, Vincent, I feel your pain but....

    1) VF5R is in Japan, and unless your competing in Japan you are
    not at a disadvantage. If someone from Japan has to compete
    outside of Japan then they have to play what's available on
    the consoles. Either way Ur not at a disavantage.

    2) VF5 is FN Hot! compared to any fighting game available on
    any console. So what if you don't have the absolute latest
    release. I've got a 2009 Sante Fe, when the 2010 Sante Fe's
    come out, I'm still gonna drive and dig my 2009, I'm not
    gonna dog it and since I'm buying and not leasing....

    3) For some of us VF is a way of life, not something that
    you put down, its part of who we are. Sure I'm pissed a
    Sega, but AM2 did an awesome job with VF5 its FN Gorgeous
    From the stages to the customizations even the announcer
    grows on you after a while [​IMG]

    After you get done messin around with Tekken 6 you'll see that
    the VF5 that you have right now is well beyond Tekken 6.

    Look, if you want a little VF5 diversion to take you mind off of the fact that we will probably not get VF5R then you should
    play UFC 2009. That's actually a superior fighting game for it genre. It complements VF5 quite nicely, unlike Tekken 6 or some of the other figthers that IMHO are a step down from VF5,
    UFC 2009 is an excellent Fighter in the Sports Combat genre. Take a couple styles in UFC 2009 to level 3 in the career mode, then you'll be ready to dive back in to VF5 and you'll appreciate it even more.
  8. DarkVincent

    DarkVincent Well-Known Member

    Po, while I admire your passion for VF5, I can't do it when I have no local or online competition at all. Nobody to play with me, period. Playing the AI gets boring. I don't have the discipline to go on and try harder when I won't have anyone to put these abilities to test. It's not even possible when the AI on the PS3 version is so predictable it's hard not to abuse it. [​IMG] VF5R was my only hope to get online comp around the country and maybe get more people interested in it locally as well. It's hard to convince them when they can plug in their SF4 and play against human competition any time of the day versus playing VF5 with me once a week or so.

    @Konjou: I saw your post last night and I had commented in it, I didn't find it offensive at all, it was surprising to see it deleted [​IMG] Le sigh.

    Can't wait to get my PS3 back from repairs, Fallout 3 awaits!
  9. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    You planning on offing me or just blowing up my house? C'mon - no SoCal VF Party is just crazy talk.

    Hint: You all talked about wanting to come back this year and November hasn't happened yet.[/size]
  10. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    "What will you be playing until the next VF?"

    Offline VF5. Same as life was before VF5 came out on xbox.

    ps. I have no doubts that some new version of VF will come on consoles some day. It will just take more time than people think.
  11. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

    I'll be playing my fighting games as usual. But, reading and working out more. I'll never give up on VF, just like my porn and music [​IMG]
  12. L_A

    L_A Well-Known Member

    I'll show up to whenever the next gathering is just because I love the people but I wont be playing any games of virtua fighter. I would never tell people not to play just cuz I dont want to play but its just too painful for me to keep going considering the state of the competetive environment in Los Angeles and what seems to be the future of this game for the next year or so. I'm certainly not gonna keep playing for the next year in hopes of "something wonderful" happening.

    As for a next version of VF, maybe Sega will make an FT in the arcades for this game and eventually that will come to console. But I can't be asked to continue playing Dojo and Quest mode to stay sharp for another year or two until something hopefully gets announced. If an FT game shows up for the arcade next year, that would mean 2011 for us which is a big LOL cuz I don't need to sit here and watch fucking videos of something ELSE we dont have for yet another year. I already did that with R for long enough.

    The biggest pisser out of all of this is that the VF5r board isn't for sale and cant be used outside of japan. That just seems like the icing on the cake to me.
  13. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter


    I made an argument for better Smarter AI for this exact reason!
    from other posts my argument went like this:

    I argued that a evolving or dynamic AI might be better than adding online play to VF 5 two years ago. The PS3 never got that online play. It would be nice to have dynamic or evolving AI in quest mode (in absence of online play) The XBOX 360
    did get online. Is online everything it was made out to be?

    Now that Online for VF is available, some of the reasons I preferred having better AI, smarter, adaptable, or even customizable AI over an Online feature still stands.

    1) Lots of times there's nobody online that is worth playing.

    2) Lag does affect matches

    3) Timing conflicts West Coast 3 hour differential from East
    coast. So players do miss each other.Country X vs County Y
    different time zones I'm sleep while UR woke, etc

    4) If you don't have an active microphone, UR just playin
    a screen name, and you don't know that UR not playin an
    AI. A smart AI could fool you online.

    5) Online is not a substitution for live competition and
    in some cases does not even rise to the level of competiting
    against the AI

    B4 we had online many VFDC folks was saying that online capability was the most important thing to add to VF. I'm on the PS3 with no online and I still believe that having smarter, adaptable, possibly evolving AI IMHO is a higher priority than
    adding online [​IMG]

    From what I hear a lot of VFers don't like online play anyway.

    I understand the thing about not having a local VF scene. My suggestion is to make one (it can be done, I've done it)

    Don't want to sound like an idiot here, but once-upon-a-time
    there were no online fighting games for the consoles, yet fighting games still sold, people played them, there were tourneys, flame wars,etc. VF4 EVO is still one of the best
    VFs produced (no online)

    DV, are you saying that need to be with a community of online players no matter what they're playin just as long as its a community? Again I'm not goin to H8 on SF4 buts its not VF .
    Maybe SF4 is enough to let you get your online thing on, but
    there's really no substitute for VF (I think you know that) or you would have moved on a long time ago.

    Fallout 3 is single player right? I've played it on PS3, there's no online for the PS3 version, no community, but you still enjoy that game, VF has nice single player if you know how to use it.
  14. SuperPanda

    SuperPanda Well-Known Member

    Masterpo: I admire your dedication, but we play FG's for comp. Back then VF had comp. Now it's gone, and a new VF with online mode was going to be the only chance (chance) for VF to bring itself back from the dead.

    T6BR is a superb game, and it has comp, and it's going to sell like crazy, so everyone knows that it will be back again for T7.

    We're basically athletes playing a sport, and we have our own leagues (VF league, Tekken league, etc.), and Sega basically killed of the non-Japanese league. So what are all the non-Japanese athletes going to do? Play by themselves?

    I know I'm nobody, but I have been playing VF since 1, hardcode since 2; Tekken since 1, hardcore since 3, SF since 2 arcade, hardcore since; and SC since edge, hardcore since Calibur, and if I were to rank the current set of FG's based on fun, balance, and depth, it would be:

    VF5R > T6BR = VF5 vanilla > HDR > BB > SF4 = SC4 = T6 vanilla.

    (Haven't played KOFXII yet, but BR is that good.)

    And UFC is a terrible suggestion. It doesn't even hold a candle to SC4. Playing that over the other games is like saying that you have the money to buy a currently unavailable prototype Ferrari, but instead of buying a Lambo or a Porsche for the meantime, you would choose a Ford Focus (It's more fun that anything EA makes, I'll give you that. But over SF4 or SC4 even? Don't think so.)
  15. Outfoxd

    Outfoxd Well-Known Member

    I've been whoring the hell out of UFC, and I can attest when you have two people who know what they're doing in there, it can get close to the feel of a normal fighting game. Especially when said people know how to utilize feint strikes and good application of the ground game.

    And as for the online game, I likely never would have gotten into VF without it. No one around here plays fighting games for more than a week, and if they did it was Tekken (which I love, but still. Didn't help that our arcade straight up shut the hell down). They even quit Smash Brawl after two weeks while me, who had been addicted and was metagaming the shit out of it, I guess was ruining it for them.

    Yeah, Flint isn't the best for fighting game communities. Maybe I should just play Call of Duty.
  16. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    Online playability is everything to me moving forward...

    Online definitely makes you better than playing a CPU. I believe this 100%, no doubt in my mind.

    I will be playing Blazblue on the 30th (thousands of online matches for sure!)

    I will start learning KOFXII on the 7th of July and play as much online comp as I can find.

    Hopefully these two games (which both look really good and fun) will get me to Tekken 6 and I will probably play that for a long time (online as well...)

    I don't think the beauty of online fighters is Ranked mode. I think it's all about PLAYER MATCH!!! Finding a few players you have a fast connection with that you have good games against or enjoy playing and rip it up.

    I can't even guess at how many great online sets I had in VF5 with some of the people here. Literally thousands of great games on good connections with skilled players. Masterpo, I don't think you know what you missed. I think PS3s lack of online stability is what has allowed 360 to take the lead...

    The addition of online to VF, Tekken, SC4, SF4, BB and KOFXII makes the idea of really learning and practicing the game 100 times more compelling to me.

    Online is an absolute must. The idea of only being able to play the CPU would make my outlook on these games I'm really looking forward to -> Bleak...

    If any of the "big 3" I'm excited for, ended up having a shitty netcode or bad online stability, it would hurt my motivation to play. Just being honest.

    I don't really know any real fighting gamers in my area and my fiance would probably be pissed if I was inviting strangers over to play against(yeah I know [​IMG] boooo, but what am I gonna do???). Online VS is make or break for me now. I guess VF5 online spoiled me but I could NEVER go back to just playing the CPU now. It just wouldn't be enough anymore now that I know the possibilities...
  17. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    I'm still gonna play VF5, but I'm also getting on that BlazBlue when it drops (I reserved my copy). Of course I'll play Tekken, as everywhere I go (even when I lived in Hawaii) there's a scene. I've been playing both VF and Tekken pretty hardcore and since I'll be moving to Cali soon, I know a few SDTekken cats that will hold it down and give me comp.

    I'm still hoping for the best though in terms of VF5R, given the fact that this might be the biggest fight for a game to be released in history (correct me if I'm wrong)... I mean, I should see this in the news somewhere.

    But its good to see a scene actually do something, and that might actually make it grow even more and assuming that the game does come out, it would reap the biggest reward by attracting more players.

    Anyway, I also play Battle Fantasia, SFIV, UMK3, SC4, GGXX, HDR, and soon BB, so hit me up on XBL for some matches.
  18. Duck_King

    Duck_King Well-Known Member

    There is a such thing as over-playing a game. I tend to lose focus if I play the same title for too long, no matter how good it is. Then again, maybe my attention span is shot. I'm trying to
    learn Tekken mechanics(bought Tag Tour.)but have been playing VF since Saturn days so its hard for me to adjust.
  19. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter


    Very good point. I especially can dig the athletes analogy.
    UR also right on the SC4 as a good diversion from VF. I don't play SF so I can't comment on that one.

    I guess there is something ironic here though. I play SC4 online and Tekken Online, so its not that I'm a stranger to the concept. But I have VF5 for the PS3 (no online) yet I'm totally sold on it even without the online feature. I played
    evo competitively but the single player for EVO was tight and
    I spent my share of time messin around with quest mode, the quest orders, and all of those underground tournments, and the
    awesome training modes. And if we had comp during the days
    of VF4 EVO where has it gone?

    I helped to build the VF community in my little town, person by person. It took about 3 1/2 years to really get to the size and quality good-e-nuff for tourneys. So the presence or lack of online for VF doesn't mean a whole lot to me, but I do see where everybody else is coming from.

    I hate to bring this up again, but... next generation AI
    will be more challenging and enjoyable that most live online play. I know this from a professional point of view because of what I do for a living.

    Most people slam the CPU because its only 2nd generation AI, 3rd and 4th generation will be considerably better. True 4th generation AI will be able to fool you online. (which will be necessary because gaming publishers want to give the illusion that lots of people are playing) [​IMG]

    When I suggest UFC 2009 as a diversion I'm doing so because
    it is the best in its genre for fighting game on the consoles.
    I consider VF the best in its genre. I put SC4 in the same category as VF and give VF the advantage (small one) but advantage. So if you're not playing the best in one genre, I was recommending it as the best in the other(e.g. compared to FNR3, WWE, Smackdown vs Raw, etc)

    So Panda are you saying that if the only FG that had a active community and plenty of comp was Mortal Kombat then you would put down a dead VF to pick up a live MK [​IMG] I'm just trying to make sure I really understand your value for comp.

    4 me Comp is important but not at all costs. I would rather die on my feet that live on my knees. I'm also lucky because my wife plays VF and she's reasonably good (meaning she wins about 55% of the time) in tourneys or casual play, so no matter what I always have another person to play.
  20. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member

    Masterpo I had enough of your uplifting speeches, I just want to be grumpy!

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