Who is the best Brad player?

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by Ryadus, Oct 1, 2003.

  1. Ryadus

    Ryadus Well-Known Member

    Funny, I just ask one question and I got answer I didn't want. (I don't say that I don't read them, I just wanted to know who is the best Brad player).
    I thank you guys again. /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  2. Aoi_Mei

    Aoi_Mei Well-Known Member

    With more powerful throws for Brad, Ryadus would destroy me!!! /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif Im glad they´re as weak as they are.
  3. Shoju

    Shoju Well-Known Member

    Myke: Your'e right about the catch throw I didn't test it properley and hammering [P] or [K] immediately does make it very difficult to escape.

    Ryadus: Sometimes a thread does go off on another route but there's been some very interesting discussion on a characters strenghts and weakness's which outside of the VFDC ranking thread I don't often see. As a bonus you get a couple of really good Brad matches /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif .
  4. Netrom

    Netrom Well-Known Member

    The two Brad clips where awesome.
  5. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

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    "True" low attacks are essential when your opponent is spamming attacks like Akira's or Lau's upkn. I dont think its a bonus, its essential IMO.

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    Ducking [P]? Crouch dash [2_][3][P]?
  6. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

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    alucard said:

    I've come to the conclusion that Brad is simply a weakling compared to the other characters, after reading other players' opinions(mainly Japanese)...

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    Dude, it's time to stfu. You are beginning to make the forum nazi and ass-9 look good.
  7. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

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    alucard said:

    1. A good low attack is a bonus for any character.
    Well, all I'm asking for is a "true" low attack that cannot be interrupted by a high attack during its execution.

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    Sorry, I kind of glossed over the point you were making here, so I'll try to address it here. You're right, he is lacking a true low attack that's executed from a low position. The closest he has is the [2][P], which you already mention, and in terms stopping fast high attacks, it works just fine (as does anybody's [2][P]). I guess I'm not as sore about the lack of a "true" low attack as you appear to be. Anyway, as ice-9 pointed out, he has other options which can duck a high attack for potentially much more reward. Take any slip into crumble strike for example. Maybe this is how am2 envisaged Brad should be played? Instead of going under high attacks with a regular low attack, he can go around them with a slip or under with ducking. So, I recognise the point you make, but I can deal with it.

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    2. No range or speed.
    His punch, elbow, sidekick, etc... all have less range than most other characters. Sarah's punch has about the same range as Brad's, but its 11f.

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    I wasn't aware that his punch and elbow had a shorter range than normal? They seemed (and still do?) "normal" to me. The range on the sidekick is short though, but having the Catch option after MC is an acceptable tradeoff for me. Most other characters when they MC with their sidekicks usually end up pushing the opponent too far away. Anyway, I still think he has a fair balance between range and speed with what he's got. *shrug*

    [ QUOTE ]
    3. Combo starters are crappy.
    [6][P]+[K] is nice, but its high. You cant use that in a nitaku situation can you? [2][P]+[K], [P] is not bad, but its 16f, has no range and is counterable. Other than [3][P][K], the only attacks that have decent range must come from his stances, and that sucks.

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    Yeah you can't use [6][P]+[K] in a nitaku, but I was talking about combo starters in general. Of course, each one is suited for a particular use and in this case you get speed and good range. The [2][P]+[K][6][P] is counterable, ideal after blocking a [2][P], and you if never want to take a risk, then you should never finish the last shot unless the first hit is a counter (major or minor) or it staggered. You've also got the [P] options after the first hit as well, which helps to mess with opponent's timing to counter. I think that's pretty good, kind of like Sarah's [2][P]+[K][K] where she can hit-check the first hit, but even better with more options.

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    4. His throws are weak.
    Myke, I dont know what you meant by Brad is not a throwing character. Throw/strikes guessing games is the most effective way to inflict damage on your opponent. When your throws do little damage, you are at a disadvantage, theres no other way around this.

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    Well, I already sort of agreed with you when I said Brad wasn't "primarily" a throwing character. What I meant was, his throws don't pose a big threat in the general scheme of things (like a TFT or GS would), but I still consider them to do good damage and they all come with good setups and/or great guessing games. I guess we can just agree to disagree on this topic.

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    5. Crescents suck
    I dont think anybody should focus their game around crescents either, but its a fact that Brad's suck(relative to most other characters).

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    This is another point we can agree to disagree on. Brad's are the way they are, and you just deal with it. It's like Vanessa's boomerang hook (head crumble on normal hit) hits high, but Jeffry's kenka hook has the same properties except it's also a special high. Now going around saying Vanessa's half circulars suck compared to other characters doesn't achieve much. Vanessa players deal with it. Same deal here.

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    So, what should Brad players focus on if everything sucks? His stance attacks? His stance attacks are great I agree, but none of the attacks that lead to his stances give Brad an advantage on block. A low punch would stuff everything.

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    Firstly, I'm not conceding that everything of Brad's sucks /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif I still think he has pretty decent combo starters, gets good damage off his combos, can use the stance offensively and defensively. The low punch beating any stance attack after guard does kind of hurt, but again, you learn to deal with it and simply don't always try to attack when you enter stance with a disadvantage. If your opponent reflexively [2][P]'s you when you go into stance after a guard, then simply guard and take advantage of the 4 frames. Anyway, it works both ways. Good yomi is usually the winner in any situation.

    I don't know if there's a particular area Brad should focus on except that one really has to know their moves very well, and have an understanding of what to use and when. This is a generic statement which applies to anyone though.

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    All in all, I dont see anything unique about Brad that would give him an advantage in any situation/matchup, thats why I think he sucks. Of course, thats just my opinion, Im not telling all the Brad players to quit playing Brad. /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

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    Well, I don't see anything unique about any character that give them an advantage in any situation or matchup either. Everyone has a fighting chance, always! /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif But this is getting dangerously close to the topic of tiers/character ranking in VF so I'll end it here.

    Thanks for the discussion.
  8. alucard

    alucard Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    ice-9 said:

    Ducking [P]? Crouch dash [2_][3][P]?

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    Too bad his uppercut is mid. Unless you are thinking of scoring an mC(instead of MC) with it, there is no guarantee that the uppercut will beat high attacks all the time.

    The same thing for ducking P. Brad is not immuned to high attacks during the whole of the ducking motion. If you attack just as your opponent's attack goes into hit collision, you "might" lose. True low attacks will always beat non-special high attacks, thats the diff.
  9. Ryadus

    Ryadus Well-Known Member

    You're all saying that Brad has weak throws. Well, I don't know if that's true. Brad's [4][6][P]+[G] throw is powerful and tricky. And throw [3][3][P]+[G] is also med-powerful so I like his throws and their damage is just right /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif.
  10. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    i don't see the commotion about brad's throws as apposed to someone like pai with a similar problem, her two most damaging is 60 (and there' s like a 10 dmg gap inbetween the rest).. the ones which give you a guarenteed scizzors kick only reach into the 50s (without it, it's leik 15 odd, stummble trip which does'nt guarentee is 10!!!!!!), without the damage potential of her back throw, pai has a pretty weak ass throw game too..

    one of the things i see brad is good at is making the opponent choose wisely what to do next. You are never safe staying in defend.
  11. stalwartsamurai

    stalwartsamurai Well-Known Member

    to answer the thread's topic:
    in my opinion Ohsu or Myke are the best Brad players
    those matches were "EXCELLENT"
  12. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Well, I hated not being able to contribute to this interesting discussion (aside from the, "I don't know much either, but at the very least..." so I messed around with Brad a bit and this is what I came up with:

    He is NOT as offensive of a character I thought he is. Not like Lau at least, where Lau can theoretically attack attack if the player knows what moves to use and when. As Alucard lamented, Brad's stance-options are limited when the move leading to the stance is blocked. In that sense, Brad is different from Sarah.

    Fortunately, Brad is in fact a pretty good defensive character! I base this primarily on his awesome countering ability. [6][P]+[K] is elbow class and should get you an easy 50 points. [2][P]+[K],[6][P], middle kick class, is ridiculously good against mC crouching opponents and after dodging an attack. 60+ points easily.

    When you think about it, Brad is already a solid character without his stances. Jacky-like elbow-kick, OK sidekick, fast knockdown move in [6][P]+[K], high damage in [6][6][K] and [4][6][K], a move that ducks low and floats on MC in [2_][3][P], [3][P]+[K],[P] somewhat effective against high attacks, force crouch in [P]+[K], decent string in [K][P][K], and circulars (below average, but at least he's got them). He's not the best throwing character, but he does have three directions, and his [4][6][P]+[G] is the best 40 point throw in the game.

    Oh yeah, and my favorite: [4][6][K]+[G]. It's very long range, fast, and staggers on any hit. Yes, it is throw counterable (about -10, I'm guessing), but given the above I think it's a good trade off. This, buffered from a quick back dash, is my low punch beater.

    And how could I nearly forget [6][K]? Floats on MC for high damage, UNCOUNTERABLE, reasonably quick, and you have the option of swaying afterwards. Phew.

    Basically, without any stance movement Brad is a playable and competitive character. Not the best in anything and with few moves, but he has the basics of everything in the moves that he does have. Now, layer in his stances:

    Slipping right [P] - uncounterable, really fast, 60-70 points combo on any hit.
    Slipping right [K] - uncounterable, middle, 65 points combo on MC.
    Slipping left [P] - uncounterable, middle, 50+ points combo on any hit.
    Slipping left [K] - uncounterable, long-range, middle, +4 ADVANTAGE on block, and 74 points combo on MC.


    As for his ducking forward, [P][P] is excellent against staggers (i.e. after elbow stagger), is elbow-class counterable but the second [P] can be delayed for a force-nitaku, and it will float on MC. Ducking forward [K] on MC gives you +7 and is, of course, uncounterable.

    The point I'm trying to make is that if Brad has the advantage to go into stance and force guessing games, they are guessing games that are highly in his favor. Think high damage, low risk. True, he cannot incessantly go into stance and attack, but with the kind of stats above, it's no wonder AM2 makes it difficult for Brad to use them...otherwise it would just be incessant abuse.

    Bottom line: Play Brad like you would any other character. Think basics, defense, and counter when you can. When you have advantage, that's when you start using stances and forcing Brad's high damage, low risk game.
  13. martialfanatic

    martialfanatic Well-Known Member

    Also sticking with the topic, Ohsu's Brad is very impressive. Myke imo is second. TIGHT videos Myke. I hope to see more casual matches that went down at Evo from you /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif. Think you can release that match with Ohsu with the inputs visible (I just want to see how Ohsu does that movement...it's crazy)?

    On the debate that Brad is "weaker", I'm not really experienced enough to throw in mind-blowing technical evidence (only been a hardcore VFer for two years), but I can understand the complaint. Compared to some other characters, Brad's flowcharts lack depth, or can be halted by a low punch. Imo, the key is to avoid doing the same thing sub-consciously (like slipping after a [4][P],[K], every single time).

    Lack of low moves...I kinda understand, but it hasn't been a big drawback to me personally. The only downside I can think to that is that muay thai is infamous for leg kicks and they aren't very prevalent here, but I personally don't care too much about that.

    Throw game is okay. If the catch were implemented better, I think there would be less of a debate in this area. It's too easy to get out of, and too easy to guess which attack is coming and guard it. Also, not being able to initiate it as a regular throw is a big drawback (my biggest complaint about Brad). If they gave the catch a throw command (one different from all the others to add another direction to escape), then his throw game would be great imo.

    Of course Brad can use some improvement, but I really don't think he's "weak". Having a 70%+ Brad player out there is "inspiring" (even if there's just one or two that I know of). Honestly, if he were more popular I think that people wouldn't think he were so weak. With so many Akira/Jacky players out there, of course you're going to run into many that'll give you a headache. But if you see a Brad here and there, finding one that makes you see "Brad's a tight character" would be difficult. It is different, and a bit more difficult to succed with Brad, so I can understand the gripe. But the way I see it, I just got to patch up loopholes in my game to make him more effective.

    Just my humble un-technical opinion /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif.

    Dang. Nice analysis Ice. Time to go back to the drawing boards.
  14. Kagamura

    Kagamura Well-Known Member


    kiwi is the best brad player.
  15. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    I'm not green inside. Honest.

    I highly doubt it. Actually one of the most impressive (western) Brads I've seen that hasn't been mentioned yet is KonjouAkiras (shame you don't give more input man on Brad things).

    Please don't resurrect 7 months old threads like this, even if it's just to be nice to me /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
    Thanks though although my nick is KiwE, not KiwI. Got that nick from my friends in 5th grade following a silly dispute about how I hated to eat Kiwi fruits actually and loosing a bet playing handball (not "real" handball but on small courts we had next to the classrooms drawn with chalk - we used a tennisball and had insane skills. Hard to explain if you haven't seen / played it yourself). After that it sticked I guess.

  16. Kagamura

    Kagamura Well-Known Member

    Re: I'm not green inside. Honest.

    sure. well, i just thought after seeing a few of the videos you posted that youre brad skills were quite impressive. ill bare in mind not to ressurect the thread again, sounds like a cool sport too.

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