Who's deserves the next boot from the VF series?

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by Chan415, Apr 12, 2002.

  1. Torneko

    Torneko Well-Known Member

    "But none the same size as Jeffry: he's still a freak of nature when you get down to it."

    You haven't seen an Aussie ? Jeffry is only 183 cm and 111 Kg, that's pretty small.
  2. Chan415

    Chan415 Active Member

    And Aussies are the Sons and Daughter's of Prisioners from Britain, Ironic isn't it?
  3. sayow

    sayow Well-Known Member

    Aborigines at 6'0, 245 lbs?

    <blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr>

    Jeffry is only 183 cm and 111 Kg, that's pretty small.

    <hr></blockquote><font color=yellow>Aborigines at 6'0, 245 lbs? Are you sure? The aborigine norm is larger than that? Yeesh... </font color=yellow>
  4. Torneko

    Torneko Well-Known Member

    Hey Aborigines do married other races and have children. And from last time I was there for holiday, Australia is very multi cultural country. One of the Aborigine descent guy I saw was 6' 3" probably 125 Kg, big guy. How that guy remind me of Jeffry, just no dreadlock.

    Australia are not just convicts, like you stated. They are alot of other migrants that comes down under. Like I said get your facts right first before making any statement.
  5. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    Not all aboriginal people are black.

    Some are quite white I can assure u.

    Some of my friends have aboriginal blood in em..and their skin tone is nothing like Jeff's.

    """They are alot of other migrants that comes down under. Like I said get your facts right first before making any statement"""

    True on both accounts.

    Who gives a fuck abt the very first people that arrived in Australia to be convicts? In fact, the first people to be in australia were aboriginals. ( They were here longer than anyone else) Then came the english...then the gold rush etc etc etc.
  6. sayow

    sayow Well-Known Member


    <font color=yellow>OK but then that would not make Jeffry pure Aborigine. That was my point all along. Chan415's commented about convicts and such, not I. Whatever... Jeffry's accent should change, too, if they're going to keep him an Aussie or Aborigine. He sounds to much like an American...<blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr>

    Some are quite white I can assure u.

    <hr></blockquote>Like Evon Goolagong, right? Maybe even more white than her...</font color=yellow>
  7. s_jamessmith

    s_jamessmith Member

    no no no, tyou cant get rid of lau, the one great offensive player- no reversals or parry's, you just gota know how to fight, thats my man. Sorry lau's gotta stay. I tihnk aoi really can go through. or at least change her ai to not be so stinking telepathic.
  8. NeverEnd

    NeverEnd Member

    Man personally I think all the VF characters suck ass except for Akira, Pai, Kage, Lei Fei. Characters like Wolf, Jacky, Sarah, are so blah. VF would be alot more popular if the characters looked cool. I think thats one reason why Tekken is more popular than VF. I think AM2 should practice paltette swapping like Tekken, every character is so uninteresting, they got no flair, and most of them are too damn annoying.
  9. MrWhite

    MrWhite Well-Known Member

    Your right about the characters being somewhat bland. And the "cheese" factor is stupendous in the winning poses and intros ! They need to get rid of that shit and give it more attitude or seriousness.
  10. Zen_Master

    Zen_Master Member

    I personally think that if anyone got the boot next...it would obviously be Lau...its just makes sense storyline wise...personally I like alot of the VF characters...except maybe Wolf...but he belongs there...so...it really doesn't matter...
  11. Torneko

    Torneko Well-Known Member

    Yeah, sometimes you get Albino.

    Also Jeffry could have descend from New Zealand, if he is a Fisherman, than his parents would have travel by sea, and get stranded in Australia, most probably Tasmania.

    If you see the New Zealand Rugby players that would make Jeffry pretty small in stature.
  12. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    Trust me
    Since I have been here for the last then yrs...I see them everyday.

    Nice people~ (well, those that I know anyway)
  13. Axel

    Axel New Member

    i agree the lau shud be next to get the boot. I think it wud be gud if lei killed him and see wot pai's reaction wud be. I also agree that Aoi shud stay....she just seems a nice change to the other characters in the game.
  14. gaishou

    gaishou Well-Known Member

  15. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Shun. His ass is gonna croak. Also Dural cause they need a better boss character with some personality.
  16. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Hands of Shun .
  17. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    And Dural .
  18. facesOFdeath

    facesOFdeath New Member

    I think you should shut the FUCK UP because those two motherfuckers suck you nutless fuck. I think you should get booted out of this motherfucking forum dumbass! I hope you can read this you illiterate retard!
  19. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Whoa man, relax you friggin bastard. /versus/images/icons/smile.gif
  20. RIZ

    RIZ Well-Known Member

    I'll have to agree on Jeffrey. He's old and corny, although effective, he needs to catch the boot.(heh)

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