Who's deserves the next boot from the VF series?

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by Chan415, Apr 12, 2002.

  1. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Hands of of Jeff .
  2. HighKing

    HighKing Well-Known Member

    I don't think anyone should get the boot but I agree that VF needs to have more characters and stages.
  3. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    It would be funny if they boot Akira.
  4. Clumsy_Mohel

    Clumsy_Mohel Member

    Whoa! Look, I KNOW Lau is going to get booted, I'm almost positive I read that somewhere, that's why he has an incurable disease. But they need to replace him with somebody similar. I'm a Tekken fan through and through who came to VF4 for the PS2 because T4 wasn't out, and the reviews said it was really good. While I agree the game is awesome, a LOT of the characters in the game are very hard to learn. I'm probably never going to touch Vanessa, or Shun. I tried Wolf, but he wasn't quite doing it for me. Lau Chan converted me. You need to need to need to keep the characters that allow beginners like me to start. Granted, I'm now at Hero with Lau, so maybe I'm Intermediate, but you gotta let guys like Jacky and Lau stay (you can kill the characters, just don't get rid of the concept). And Don't Insult the Characters on the Forums. It makes beginners like me feel like a chump for playing with these people and run back to Tekken with King and do my 6-step chain throws (I spent quite a bit of time on that game).

    Seriously, while they maybe be simple to learn, I don't think they upset the balance of the game at all, so why get rid of them? But guys, Dural sucks as a boss character. Maybe they should keep her as like a preboss (like Hehachi was in Tekken 3, right before Ogre and True Orge), but you need a real badass to finish off the game. She's got the moves, but her look isn't threatening enough (it's cool, not scary, you dig?)

    But that's enough from me.
  5. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Youre right, there simply isnt enough crap in the VF games .
    I for one hope it stays that way tough .
  6. Clumsy_Mohel

    Clumsy_Mohel Member

    uh, could you elaborate on "crap"?
  7. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Stupid unbalanced winged demons .
    Bowling modes with shitty physics .
    Horribly controlling beatem all modes ( mind you force mode still is stellar compared to The Bouncer ) .
    And other assorted silly bussuines like that .
  8. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    Good point made & fair enough.
  9. Clumsy_Mohel

    Clumsy_Mohel Member

    Whoa! Ok. Look, I HATE Tekken Ball mode, don't get me wrong (my friends loved it though, because it was BEGINNER FRIENDLY, something Virtua Fighter still needs work on). Don't talk about Tekken Force mode, it is fun, and if they did a little more work on it, it'd be a really good mode. Now True Ogre sucks, and Orge was ok, but Devil from T2 is a great example of a good fighting game boss. There has to be more to the final guy than some shiny skin. Goro is another good example (I'm talking about looks here, not moves, Goro was a little cheap). I like Dural. But she needs a big sibling.
  10. blackshadow

    blackshadow Well-Known Member

    yeh durals kool but she looks kinda crappy cept for predator dural now she looks cool now maybe an upgraded predator dural for VF5 would be kool with its own unique style not the characters of the game(pretty damn gay) and u should be able to put the boss through kumite too
  11. StormLord_Lion

    StormLord_Lion New Member

    If you have ever played Tekken 3, Tekken Tag, or Tekken 4, then you must be familiar with the Eddy Gordo character or the Christie Montiero character. They are the break dance fighting people from the series, a button mashers wet dream. Well VF4 also has a button mashers dream. This would be Lei Fei. He is the Eddy Gordo of the Virtua Fighter series. You can flail your hand about the controller and it acctually looks like you are doing good. For this reason, I think Lei Fei should be kicked from the series.
  12. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    I think Lei-Fei is good, he just need serious tweaking...
    now wonder...now that a mua-thai fighter has been announced for the next vf, what happens to Vanessa?
  13. BakuBaku

    BakuBaku Well-Known Member

    Well Van actually isnt a Muay-Thai fighter anyways. Shes mixed with kickboxing and a tid bit vale tudo in there. they can have both.
  14. ReCharredSigh

    ReCharredSigh Well-Known Member

    dunno if i HAVE replied to this thread before, but the way i see it, each character of VF brings a unique playing style to the game; think about it. no single character plays quite the same, which is why you compare it to the capcom games, most of us capcom gamers wouldn't whine as much if you took out guile and replaced him with charlie(except of course those 13-yr old-and-under guile fanatics who want to play as guile simply because he's guile). in other games, taking a character out and replacing him with another duplicate isn't as bad, since a LOT of the characters tend to in some sort of fashion be similar at a scale(not dissing on any of the 2D games btw, i play them and enjoy them)

    but you look at VF, you can't really do that; i agree that while lau should be tweaked, he shouldn't be booted; who else in the game enables you to concentrate solely on rushing the opponent down to land easy, huge damage? akira does more damage, but he's not as offensive-based; jacky rushes just as well as lau, but he's not as juggle based. unless if 2 characters play SO similar in style, i don't think anyone should be booted(compared to sf, which has about 3+ shotos that can be played in similar ways); sarah and jacky somewhat come close, but they are nowhere as close in style as a newbie would think.

    creating a new character with new storyline but same style of play and moves set though...that's a different story.
  15. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Hmm, well, lau can be killed off and another player can be made to take his place..perhaps with his style but modified....anyways, he is dying of a deadly disease...
  16. Darkseed

    Darkseed Well-Known Member

    Bah, Lei-Fei can be button mashed yes. But so can Lau, Pai and a few others. That still doesn't mean that it takes no skill learning him, because it does. He is also very predictable, so playing against highly skilled players is very hard with him. I've said it before and I'll say it again, NOBODY deserves to be kicked from VF. This thread should be locked because it serves no purpose other than whining about the characters some people constantly lose against.

    Why not do something about it like learning the certain character's pattern instead? Whining will get you nowhere.
  17. Oni-Kage

    Oni-Kage Well-Known Member

    My votes

    --Shun: Replaced--
    It's time to buy the farm. We love him, but if age and a poisoned liver haven't killed him yet, I don't know what will. Shun should be replaced by the "student" he is looking for (I thought this was Lion, no?) Either way, the new student should be a combination of Monkey and Drunken style.

    --Jeffrey: Killed--
    Give the poor tard his boat already and let him go endanger some shark somewhere for all I care. Dural needs to summon up a big wave and just sink the big goober.

    --Lau: Killed--
    Pai just needs to give some props to pops and learn his traditional style in addition to her own. Quit being a flowery little princess and learn how to fight already.

    --New: Pro/Street Boxing--
    Well Tekken did it with Steve Fox, but I guess that's a two edged sword there. Either way, it's about time the biggest fighting sport be represented, IMO.

    --New: Kenpo--
    I dunno... just never seen this style represented in any video game to date.

    --Change: Vanessa--
    If she really does practice Muy Thai, I wanna see more elbows, knees, roundhouses and heel strikes, and not the slow wussy ones. Quick nasty ones. Also, if she uses Vale Tudo, I wanna see the actual MOUNT put into realistic use. Craig Marduk at least pretends to use the mount in T4... Vanessa just gets one lick in and jumps off. HELLO IS THIS THING ON? YOU'RE IN THE MOUNT, BEAT THE CRAP OUTTA THEM!

    --Change: Bryants--
    Okay I guess I can REMOTELY see JKD used by Jacky... but what is Sarah doing? I wanna see stop-punch/stop-kick reversals, more taunts, and more footwork.
    So in brief summary:

    Kill off: Shun, Jeffrey, Lau.
    Change: Vanessa (more moves), Pai (Learn Lau's Style), Bryants (more JKD style).
    New Styles: Drunken Monkey, Pro/Street Boxing, Kenpo

    That's all.
  18. h0LLyW00d

    h0LLyW00d Member

    Re: My votes

    I dont think no characters should be kicked from the the next VF installment.

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