Who's the top VF player in the world?

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by xDURALx, Mar 9, 2002.

  1. MrWhite

    MrWhite Well-Known Member

    From what I heard ( uneducated info btw ), its clocking at 150 yen a game. So in Chib's case with his 92% it doesnt seem that expensive. That means if he plays 20 games he's payed for 300 yen ( ~ 3$ canadian ? ~ 2.10 $ US ). And 20 games lasts ( including fuck around time and replays and character selection etc. ) anywhere between 30 min to 45 mins. Plus when he loses he has to wait so that puts the bar up to an unlimited amount of time, thus taping into human patience. I dont know about him, but 2 hours of VF a day is my saturation point and since he's been doing it for over 6 months... So I'm guessing it would be between 5 to 10 $ a day ( which is my current rate of spending / cutting into cigarette money ). Not rarely do people hold out with a measly 2 $ for 2 hours. So yes, its a luxury, but a manageable one ( for people with a good win percentage ). I'm just thinking about the poor bastards who loose...

    <-- The previous was a completly theoritical essay ( except for the cutting into my cigarette money ).

    I am curious about how much others spend on their VF hobby ('cept for those with ps2 ver.)? Anybody other than Uncauzi getting broke over this? /versus/images/icons/smile.gif

    Creed : Mukky all the way. Although Shinz is very creative.
  2. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Was it gerira?
    While aoi's improved, I still think any 'decent' jacky/akira can beat a 'good' aoi.
    She just takes so much more damage per float combo, and has to work harder to eliminate a smart opponent.

    Anyway, I'd definitely put Akira kid in.. let's say at LEAST the top 50 VFers in the world, just based on his smart way of playing and good reflexes.
  3. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    There was a very interesting article in Wired (online) where they interviewed some of the tetsujin. The babelfish translation was rough, but one of them talked about how he'd worked for a while and stocked away 1000 bucks for a car, and then discovered VF that summer.. by the fall, the cash was gone. So you know they spend a lot.

    Games of VF in japan go for approx. 1 buck or a little more. If Chibita's played 10,000 games and won 9,000 of them, we know he spent at least 1,000 bucks...If you divide the other 9,000 games into 20-win streaks (I don't think this is conservative) then that's only another 450 dollars.

    There was a jacky player who had a really horrible record and about 5000 games last I heard. He must have spent at least 4000 bucks.
  4. chingdude

    chingdude Well-Known Member

    well, it looks like shinz will be attending an upcoming tournament in hokkaido and then we'll see how well he fairs against japanese competition.

    extracts taken from CYC HP:

    Although it is a guest's schedule, it is a now and Virtua Fighter 3 world-championship tournament champion. "&#30003;&#32681;&#26093; (AKIRA kid)" him (a soul/South Korea) -- it is a schedule It says clearly and is strong. Although there were also my unmanliness and a cause of the difference in arrangement of a controller, it was "a complete defeat" at his Jackie. It is &#12398;&#20104;&#23450;. he wants to play a match against a Japanese player and others very much -- &#12392;&#12356;&#12358;&#12371;&#12392; -- a large -- it is interested By the type of the Strong style, how to split a partner etc. is consulted very much. In addition to the combat at close quarters made for the player of Hokkaido to be its favorite, in the I individual, I thought that middle distance and long-distance also fighting were outstanding. <a target="_blank" href=http://member.nifty.ne.jp/CYCHP/guest.htm>http://member.nifty.ne.jp/CYCHP/guest.htm</a>
  5. takira

    takira Well-Known Member

    will sega hold a world tournament for vf4?!
    besides this local tournament I mean world tournament where every one on earth can attend!!
    would seem so entrasting if they did a biger than the vf3 tourny!
  6. Bu_Jessoom

    Bu_Jessoom Well-Known Member

    Hehe, I think it is too soon for a world tournament, if there ever gonna be one /versus/images/icons/smile.gif. They should wait until more people from the whole world play and live VF. /versus/images/icons/smile.gif
  7. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    100 yen is the standard price they charge for fighting games.

    Of coz..there are some place that charge even less...just got to know where to find em.
  8. 34

    34 Well-Known Member

    no matter chibita is good, Shiz is the best.
  9. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Well, it really depends on their mood I'm sure. Chibita plays in High Tech land in Shibuya. I've got friends (that are quite good) that have played against him and don't come close. They're comment "he moves differently" is all they could say. Waste of 100 yen pretty much.

    One thing that Chibita has that nobody else will EVER have -- he was the first one to get Ha-oh in Japan. Now, of course there are more levels, but, he rocked the VF4 community. Maybe I'll head to High Tech to play him. /versus/images/icons/smile.gif

    Also, while the machines are sectioned off, it's usuall 4 normal machines (anyone -- usually good people) and one machine only (w/ a bad display) that goes up to Shodan.
  10. 34

    34 Well-Known Member

    thanks for reply.
    i was wonder what if korean can use vf.net platform.
    i mean chibita is awesome but it seems like shinz is not really known as top player(that's because he cant store all his record).

    + as i know that shinz is not use akira when he think it's a practice or something. all clips from TBzone are just practice with his brother. i dont think he will choose akira when he does not take serious if the playe is not super good.

    all japanese VFers uses .net systems and VF.net make them something more expert... true true.
  11. 34

    34 Well-Known Member

  12. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Don't ever do that again.
  13. Yupa

    Yupa Well-Known Member

    It's been documented on this forum that a lot of Japanese players don't bother with the hassle of VFnet anymore. I'm sure there are a ton of high dan players that don't play with a card anymore.

    If Shinz isn't at the level of the best Japanese, I bet he'd be there within a week or two if he had the chance to play in Japan regularly. He's proven that he's very inventive when it comes to VF and I'm sure he's just as adaptable.
  14. 34

    34 Well-Known Member

    it was my post mistake.
    your ftp is still slow. do something dude
  15. Yupa

    Yupa Well-Known Member

    Have you read Creed's responses to why the ftp site is slow?
    He's providing a very valuable service by archiving all those movies that get removed from their
    home sites and making them available to everyone. He has also made the VF Archive available
    to anyone that is interested-- it was only available on CD-ROM before Creed obtained a copy.

    Creed has a DSL connection and has decided to make his personal PC available to us all as a
    public resource. I don't believe he has the money or resources to mirror his site somewhere that
    has higher band width. If you need your movies faster, than go to the sites they originate from and
    complain to their web masters /versus/images/icons/tongue.gif Alternatively, I'm sure if you wanted to sponsor a high
    band width site with your own wallet, Creed would be more than happy to send you his files at
    the highest kps he could muster...

    (edit was to add hard line breaks... I hate scrolling horizontally)
  16. 34

    34 Well-Known Member

    what about put all his stuffs in this site?
    i know that he has many resources.
  17. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    The only things on this site that are 'mine' are my posts. The link on this site goes to vf.dyndns.org, which is my home computer.

    Like yupa said, all I've got is a 35 dollar DSL connection. It'll never get any faster, the next step up is T1, and who can afford that? I work at barely-above minimum wage, and am lucky to have DSL so cheap.

    One trick to get movies fast: if the FTP is down, look for me on IRC. If you ask, sometimes I'll send a movie to you, and because you're the only person I'm sending to, it should go around 40 kbps.
  18. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    The only time people don't use VF.net is when they know someone else is in the game center at the same dan-level that can slap the piss out of them. /versus/images/icons/smile.gif
  19. Reijim

    Reijim Member

    Just Curious...
    How does NaruGoh's Akira compare to Mukky's...
    they are different persons rite?

    i haven't watched enuf clips to noe alot yet...

    and where can i get clips of Shinz's LeiFei
  20. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    I dunno who NaruGoh's akira is?
    But I can't see akira getting much stronger than mukky's. Mukky almost never blows a combo and does all the hard stuff easily....SPoD, ST-sgpm-dbpm, shrm-p-shrm-dbpm... etc. Once you can use all of akira's combos well, it just boils down to brains, and he wins around 80% of his matches, so that's pretty good.

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