Why behind?-VF-bashing reality of malicious sites

Discussion in 'General' started by nazo, Aug 24, 2011.

  1. Mlai

    Mlai Well-Known Member

    You forget to mention how all the older characters are either boring (stereotypical design on the same tier as the oldest fighting games) or lame (Lion's design).

    For example look at SF1, it had a stereotypical ninja (Geki) with no design flash. Just like Kage in VF-since-forever. But as soon as SF2 hit, stereotypical boring Geki got replaced by Vega/Balrog (amazing design).

    Only with VF4evo did VF start getting flashy-looking characters with visual personality. You can pack in as much customization options as you want, but the default character still has to look flashy because that's what's going on the box cover.

    My only problem with Jean is that his scale is a little too large, but otherwise he's more visually interesting than Ein. A VF character more visually interesting than a DoA character (both model and animations), that's saying a lot.
  2. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    Yeah, no. VF characters look fine, I guess if they focus tested them for 14 year olds, they wouldn't be considered "boring", but they still look awesome, not all of them but most of them.
  3. Shou

    Shou Well-Known Member

    Are you joking? There is almost no income coming from FS in any arcades in Japan. It's been this way for a very very long time. Many arcades besides the Sega owned ones have ditched FS machines because they are no longer stuck in the lease contracts.

    As far as lag and timing goes, online is a totally different beast from offline and the arcade. Being a player who has mainly played on the arcade version, there is a clear difference in timing. Same thing happened with 360 Ver C. I played it for a week until I realized it totally screwed up my arcade timing due to how you have to adjust for lag. When you have a 1 frame difference between when an opponent can fuzzy and when you have a chance to play nitaku, the online experience cannot hope to accurately replicate that.
  4. Shou

    Shou Well-Known Member

    You have the wording wrong, I corrected it for you.
  5. MalahkAngel

    MalahkAngel Active Member

    VF is definitely an acquired taste. Most jump in expecting Tekken style gameplay, being able to button mash their way to victory, only to get pummeled by someone who knows what they're doing. Then they give up and go back to the juggle-fest. Most folks don't dedicate the time necessary to really appreciate how rewarding VF can be.
  6. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    What happened to the man who once told me: I have the arcade board but I dont really play it, I am more of a Dead or Alive guy.
  7. MegaMaN85

    MegaMaN85 Well-Known Member

    Not being funny, but you can have a bit of a juggle fest on VF as well, it's just that Namco broke the seal with Tekken 6 and in all honesty, had they kept it simple like they did with T5 & DRO and had a better online netcode, I would still be playing Tekken today (I also hope they have that fixed with TTT2). Now is that to say I'm a fanboy......... no!

    Over the recent years, many games have taken certain elements from other franchises and try to make their own unique version. Whether it be characters, moves, play styles or features. It's just some come across more noticed and sometimes "broken" than others.
  8. MalahkAngel

    MalahkAngel Active Member

    Oh, believe me, I know VF juggles (I main Goh, you gotta juggle with him). Tekken is just juggle-friggin'-city. One pop-up and there goes the match.
  9. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    At the same time that's unfair to say since Tekken doesn't have ring outs. Imo a big problem of VF is that it looks really ugly to watch as an observer even when mid-level players play it. It's simply unhype with two people just doing elbows and dickpunches over and over. It's really really fun to play from day one but not to watch it being played at all until 1) the players are pretty good 2) you understand things somewhat
  10. MalahkAngel

    MalahkAngel Active Member

    That's actually a really good point. If Tekken had ring outs, I think that would signal its death knell.

    As for being fun to watch, that's also a good point. I've been playing VF for years, so EVO coverage was like crack for me, but compared to SF and its ilk, it's not quite as much of a spectacle.
  11. Mlai

    Mlai Well-Known Member

    That being said, I'm very very glad that the VF background stages have always been sane.

    I'm sure everyone has seen the MvC3's stages. So much psychedelic shit going on in the background and crazy colors constantly bleeding into the foreground characters confusing the actual game action. I get a headache trying to follow it and to separate the background movement and projectiles(!) from the foreground REAL movement and projectiles.

    I can't even watch it. How ppl play that game I don't understand.
  12. MalahkAngel

    MalahkAngel Active Member

    I'm inclined to agree. I mean, you gotta make the backdrop interesting, and maybe lively, but if it takes focus away from the action, then what's the friggin' point?
  13. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Yes VF is the best. This can't be stressed enough (we're on a VF site so lets say it in chorus). Sometimes I get annoyed with wind and snow and the box going up and down in certain stages which makes it so I can't concentrate so I think the entire background should be pitch black. Maybe a big white stripe to signalize ring outs like pong but pitch black other than that. This is a higher, more refined, fightinggame after all.
  14. Leonard_McCoy

    Leonard_McCoy Well-Known Member

    rofl, [​IMG] KiWe
  15. Mlai

    Mlai Well-Known Member

    Heh, you can make fun if you want but MvC3's backgrounds really are the worst I've ever seen.

    It's not just VF which has pretty but sane backgrounds. Most other 2D and 3D games are reasonable with them too.
  16. Lord_Hollow

    Lord_Hollow Well-Known Member

    UMvC3's Shadowland stage is OP. Daredevil sits and watches the fight. Cuz you are all are fighting for his amusement.. Like a boss..
  17. Devdan

    Devdan Well-Known Member

    I thought he was blind.

    A totally blank 'training stage' is the last thing VF needs. Call me petty, but seeing nothing but training stage in Marvel, and the AE finals at EVO is a serious 'hype' killer.
  18. Lord_Hollow

    Lord_Hollow Well-Known Member

    He is, but he sees through echolation (sound vibrations) of which there are plenty in UMvC3..
  19. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    I still think DOA4 has the best stages in any fighting game yet. I quite liked the Tekken 5 stages and more recently, KOF13.

    Stages should be vibrant, eye catching, varied and should work well with the game being played. I think if a game has loads going on visually the backroubd shouldn't be exploding all over itself. It's just too much.

    I think DOA4 has the best stages that sometimes I like to pop it o every now and then juat to smash some fool down a flight of stairs with Bayman, hop over a speeding car and marvel at some of the sights on a few of the stages. I would like to play VF on DOA4's stages. If only for the novelty value.
  20. MalahkAngel

    MalahkAngel Active Member

    Yeah, DOA seems to be the only fighter out there right now that understands how dynamic stages should work. I giggled like a schoolgirl the first time I rode someone down a flight of stairs as Zack.

    Furthermore, I'm personally hoping that the inclusion of Sarah and Akira in DOA5 is a signal for a potential working relationship between AM2 and Team Ninja. AM2 makes an overall stronger fighter, but Team Ninja knows how to make one a spectacle while remaining at least mildly within the realm of believability. I think if they put their heads together they could come up with something incredible.

    Plus, AM2 could probably keep Team Ninja in line and stop them from bothering with individual titty physics for 5 minutes.

    Eh, it's a pipe dream, obviously, but I'd love to see it happen.

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