Why does everybody think Brad sucks?

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by UNCONKABLE, Dec 16, 2003.


    ONISTOMPA Well-Known Member

    Re: Good stuff so far everybody...

    Lol Hayashida with Brad would be the shit but I don't think it would fit well in VF. I still think poking and [4][P]+[K]+[G] is a good safe way to play and also setup but yes he might have better options. Back dash [3][P]+[K] oh my god you're a genius !!!

    PS. I play Kaz btw *LOL*.
  2. Dandy_J

    Dandy_J Well-Known Member

    Re: Good stuff so far everybody...

    [ QUOTE ]
    ONISTOMPA said:

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    ugh. sup Tom /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

    ONISTOMPA Well-Known Member

    Re: Good stuff so far everybody...

    Man you stoopid /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif.
  4. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Re: Good stuff so far everybody...

    Sarcasm is for the weak.
  5. Dandy_J

    Dandy_J Well-Known Member

    Re: Good stuff so far everybody...

    ur mom is for the weak omg im so leat

    EDIT: I wasn't being sarcastic...
  6. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Re: Good stuff so far everybody...

    ...just being stoopid?

    EDIT: /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

    ONISTOMPA Well-Known Member

    Re: Good stuff so far everybody...

    So you weren't being sarcastic when you wrote ''LOL do you play Paul or a similar character with a sway in Tekken?''. /versus/images/graemlins/shocked.gif Then my bad, I'm sorry for being weak. I'll answer without the sarcasm : No I've always played Kaz, Heihachi, Lee, Yoshi, and Law from the get go. Nowadays I play alot of Marduk, Bryan and Steve but once in awhile I'll pick Paul and everybody else. And yes I do use the sway when I play him, Nina or Bryan. Brad's [4][P]+[K]+[G] reminds me more of Steve's back sway than Paul's but yes maybe I tend to play him Tekkenstyle too much. From here on out I will no longer use it and follow your advice, thanks man.

    evade + dash - into x techroll = fornicating under carnal knowledge U. /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif *LOL* Picked up the habit from the interviews.
  8. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Re: Good stuff so far everybody...

    How is that question sarcastic? I was merely trying to guess--albeit facetiously--where the love came from. I play Paul in TTT (along with Heihachi, Jin, and Bryan...yea I'm boring) and I like to use the back sway a lot to bait opponents.

    Pretty much the only time a back sway for Brad might be preferable to a back dash, in my limited Brad-play-time opinion, would be when you slip or duck manually with [P]+[K]+[G] in that the back sway would then be canned (and hence, faster than a back dash). But why would you need to do that? If I have time to manually slip or duck, I prefer to go with his high reward-low risk stance attacks.

    ONISTOMPA Well-Known Member

    Re: Good stuff so far everybody...

    I'm probably playing him totally wrong then, I use it after [P], [2]+[P], and sometimes [6]+[P] to see what type of reaction I get from my opponent. See if he likes to low punch or not, see if I can go total offense on him or not. Yes you can't use sway back [K] all the time, I agree, but next to a wall I think it's worth a shot if you anticipate a low punch (after the stagger I've gotten [6][P]+[K], [3][P]+[K],[P] *if he hits the wall* pounce for 94 to work). I also use to think that sway back [P] ducking and sway back ducking was a good mix up but now I wonder if it's just better for me to back dash !? I probably did get influenced by Tekken afterall. I'll try using back dash more and see what happens.

    PS. Oops my bad add a [P] after [6][P]+[K]
    PPS. An easier and more reliable one for a little less dmg (89) would be [6][P]+[K], [P],[K] *if opponent hits wall* pounce.
  10. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Re: Good stuff so far everybody...

    Delayed [6][P]+[K] against evaders is hella nice aswell. Most of the time I still feel that backdash>evade will win over my advantage - don't know why but I think I rush to much and need to really learn how to mix up things better.

    Another thing I've kinda found with Brad is his midkick reversal in certain situations.

    Best example would be Kages Jumonji stance;
    Brads [1][P]+[K] will kill of both [P]+[K] and [K]+[G] aswell as his [K] threat as they're all midkicks that he can reverse.
    Oddly enough, Brad can kill of alot of Kages mindgames with his reversal. He can take [9][K]+[G] aswell as Kages [3][K] and [K]+[G]([P][P]) and his [2][K]+[G] aswell with his reversal- severly haltering his range tools in a matchup.

    Oni: His max combo of the [6][P]+[K] has always been [P], [4][P][K] so do that instead (if you're comfortable with watching stance).

    ONISTOMPA Well-Known Member

    Re: Good stuff so far everybody...

    Yes you're right, you can get 97 if they hit the wall and land with their heads towards you. *thumb's up* Oh and for [6][P]+[K], [P],[K] the kick whiffs in open stance, but even then you're still not in danger and can immediatly go back to pressuring them. One that seems to work all the time after the stagger is [6]+[P], [K]. They seem to always fall head towards you, well atleast most of the time and the dmg is in the 80's.
  12. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member


    Has anyone found a true combo more damaging then:

    [4][6][K]>[4][P][K]>dodge>[K]>(Wallhit)[P][K]>[4][6][K]+[G] ?

    Just curious as I'd like to know his damage cap.

    UNCONKABLE Well-Known Member

    Re: Good stuff so far everybody...

    [ QUOTE ]
    KiwE said:

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    I have no idea what you are talking about here. First of all, he didn't say [4][P]+[K]+[G], he said [P]+[K]+[G] in general.

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    No he didn't. Please read posts with more attention.
    There is a problem when copying commands and pasteing them from texts and the [4] didn't tag along in my post. I hope you now "have an idea of what" I'm talking about then?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yeah, [4][P]+[K]+[G] sucks pretty bad anyway. It has very limited uses as the moves that come from it are fairly weak. That and reverse crouch dashing sequences are a lot safer along with offering any move of your choice.

    [ QUOTE ]
    KiwE said:
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    I agree with this for the most part. The flowchart Dandy J mentioned is still good due to the fact that if they block the kick from slipping, then they are in disadvantage. Who cares if it pushes them away because if they try any attack, it gets stuffed so their only option is to backdash/reverse crouch dash.

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    Or evade as it is not fully circular and not anything else you can threathen with from your slipping right at that distance. Vf is about threathening with throws or strikes on staggers, it's a fundamental rule of the game.

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    Or don't attack out of slipping and punish their helpless, failed evade as they have to do it very late to avoid the kick out of slipping that never came out.

    [ QUOTE ]
    KiwE said:
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    No this is not a handy tool. I mean you are even much better off with [6][P] a [P] after [2][P] a hits due to safety and better guessing game on a normal hit. I am still not convinced on the MKII Uppercut as even on normal hit is shitty for Brad due to the vast amount of women characters who have quicker jabs then him.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The [2][6][P] will win against someone (so will [3][3][P][P]) who tries to [2][P] you back (which happens often), and yeah: so will [6][P]. I find it funny that you'de rather take a shitty stagger over a combo though - damage wise they can't compete can they? If there's ever a situation when you get a CH on [2][6][P] - this is it. That's why ppl have risingattacks in the first place, to on CH[2][P] hit put a 50/50 between the throw or the risingattack - that's why it's always an asset to have for any character (no it's not Godlike as Kages is though but it's certainly not useless). I'd rather take my combo (but of cource you can mix stuff up) and that damage it brings over a stagger with nothing garanteed after anyday. You complain about the [2][6][P] being even on normal hit in this situation - well, [6][P] is disadvantage on normal hit. Meaning? If you go into a ducking [2][P] will beat everything you can threathen with exept the canned [6][P][K]. Better guessing game on normal hit? No not really. All in all it's a question about high risc vs high damage as most things are I guess.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I agree about the high risk vs high damage, but small disadvantage doesn't matter when there is a canned move that can come after another to train the opponent not to attack after the first one hits. Yeah, the [K] in [6][P][K] doesn't do a ton and is duckable, but it knocks down and is a canned follow up. Also, after [6][P] hits on normal, you can just reverse crouch dash and punish their whiffed move if they try to take advantage of such a small disadvantaged situation and if they duck there are a ton more options you can do as well.

    [ QUOTE ]
    KiwE said:
    Very important Edit: Oh and <font color="yellow">Btw Conk </font> (just sobered up for a sec);
    [2][P](CH)[6][K]([G]) owns your [2][P](CH)[6][P] flowchart so hard it isn't even funny (didn't like the question if I had ever done a [6][6][K] ya fucking apple!) Now, moving on:

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I think maybe you are misunderstanding me here. [2][P](ch)[6][P] was just one example of a somewhat safe thing to do after a (ch) [2][P]. [2][P](ch)[6][K]([G]) is good as well and there are many others. I never said my flowchart was the end all flowchart for that situation, just that it was better than your whack MKII uppercut strat after the [2][P](ch)/versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif. The [6][6][K] was just to show you that it is a much better option if you are seeking the counterhit as it recovers fairly well and leads to a ton of damage even on non-counter hit.

    [ QUOTE ]
    KiwE said:
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    If you look closely, one of the two moves I mentioned does have the range of it.

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    No. Just accept that Ducking [K]+[G] is the move he has with the longest range or try it in trainingmode until you do. Stop saying this now or Santa won't be bringing you any gifts this year.

    Peace Out.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I will give you this, but it just BARELY has more range than the slipping [K](kick, not knee).

    Anyway, good stuff so far everybody, keep it coming.

    Another piece of juice I found out last weekend was against Kage. If you already know this, then my bad, but if not here you go: when you see him go into Jumonji off of a blocked series or move, just do the [6][6][K] to light up any guessing games he may have. The only option he has to stop that is a Jumonji[P] and once you condition the player to that.... /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif

    conk out,
    not Santa Claus, just...

    KiwE CLAUS!!!!
  14. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Re: Good stuff so far everybody...

    [ QUOTE ]
    Or don't attack out of slipping and punish their helpless, failed evade as they have to do it very late to avoid the kick out of slipping that never came out.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Lol, yeah the good 'ol "I'll not do my slip right [K] at a distance and ignore my shot at a CH or even my frameadvantage on block - I'll use my wits to outsmart my opponent , think one step even further and punish them in their hopefully failed evade cause they have to evade at the Nexus of the slip!!" move.

    Once again, VF is about threathening with a throw or an attack on staggers, you don't throw away a 50/50 situation in order to do some 2 move ahead knockdown from a hopefully failed evade, you could, like I said, do the [6][K]([G]) instead from the start if he tried to [2][P] you back instead of the [6][P] and get your combo there (and an option to threathen with a throw) instead of later on just have the threat of some possible failed evade knockdown with less payoff. If you still are so keen on doing your [6][P] you should dodge safely (during the stagger) without risk of being [2][P] so you can threathen with the attack or the throw (see first point). Thinking like you do at this point is kinda silly as it requires special actions on your opponents part and once again, it's freakin +4 frames and that's it if the kick was even to connect on block (which it mostly will). It's so weird on so many levels - I don't want to debate over this anymore, so yeah, you go ahead with this great "flowchart" /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif

    [ QUOTE ]
    Also, [after [6][P] hits on normal, you can just reverse crouch dash and punish their whiffed move if they try to take advantage of such a small disadvantaged situation and if they duck there are a ton more options you can do as well.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    No. Stop with the theory pr0n Conk.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Another piece of juice I found out last weekend was against Kage. If you already know this, then my bad, but if not here you go: when you see him go into Jumonji off of a blocked series or move, just do the [6][6][K] to light up any guessing games he may have. The only option he has to stop that is a Jumonji[P] and once you condition the player to that....

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hehe, you and your [6][6][K]... /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif Yeah, this is actually a nice tip for Brad players as the [P]+[K] he has doesn't sabaki knees (or kickflips) but if he was to go in on a hit like from [6][P](CH) you would be fucked of cource as his [K]+[G] would be faster. But if he does go into the Jumonji without hit and from his on block advantage moves it's really tight timing (or maybe it just feels like that for me). It's better to do his [6][K] knee then his [6][6][K] knee though as if you hit his Jumonji [K]+[G] with [6][6][K] you don't get as good of a combo of it as from the [6][K] and with the [6][K] you'll be less counterable if you messed up / read wrong and your move was blocked. Lei Fei, that shavedhead machi bitch, can however sabaki knees (wish he couldn't) aswell from his setups but not kickflips (like Jackys).

    Btw Conk; you're fucking crazy but I think I like you man /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif

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