Why does Lion, Blaze, Brad speak fluent English?

Discussion in 'General' started by kevinrafale, Apr 25, 2009.

  1. dapheenom

    dapheenom Well-Known Member

    Good =/= Not Terrible.

    Generally aren't too bad =/= Always awesome.

    But you knew that.
  2. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    I dont know what makes something good, but I do know if something is bad.

    Fallout 3 and GTA4, well I suppose they were ok, as in I dont remember things worth complaining much.
  3. kevinrafale

    kevinrafale Well-Known Member

    Gotta agree with you on that one.
  4. kevinrafale

    kevinrafale Well-Known Member

    I care ^^
    So go jump off a bridge ^^ /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  5. Yupa

    Yupa Well-Known Member

    I'd rather hear the chinese characters speak chinese.
  6. kevinrafale

    kevinrafale Well-Known Member

    Lol, well, i suppose Sega can't get anything right when it comes to voice actors :p
  7. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Yes they can.

    Look at capcom's SSF2THDR.

    VFdc is a big fansite. Why not ask for fans to send in tapes/audiofiles of themselves saying the english-speaking character's winquotes? There's BOUND to be someone among us who sounds better than Lion. Or Jacky. Or retardo-jeff. Hell there might even be someone who can actually do an italian accent Brad.

    (I personally don't think we can beat Wolf's original performance. But that's besides the point.)

    The point is that, when SEGA of america was translating the VF5 quest mode into english, they asked people to send in names and comments in order to fill it out. I don't see why they can't do it again.
  8. kevinrafale

    kevinrafale Well-Known Member

    Point Noted :p
    True, I don't know why they can't do that again...
    I just don't get it :p
  9. kevinrafale

    kevinrafale Well-Known Member

    I must also add... on the back of the game case it says something along the lines of "...The most realistic fighting game of all time..."
    How can it be realistic if Frenchies don't speak French and so on? :p
  10. Jeneric

    Jeneric Well-Known Member

    Why would they speak their own language when talking to people from other countries?
  11. kevinrafale

    kevinrafale Well-Known Member

    Well, Yeah, why not? :p
    All the Asian characters do :p
  12. Jeneric

    Jeneric Well-Known Member

    No, all asian character speak Japanese.

    And I thought you were clamoring for reality?

    Realistic would be western people speaking english, except for the french that just keep on talking french and expect everyone else to know. Then the japanese fighters have an interpreter nearby.
  13. kevinrafale

    kevinrafale Well-Known Member

    Or, at the very least, subtitles :p
  14. CobiyukiOS

    CobiyukiOS Well-Known Member

    Brad, Lion, and Blaze all have international connections.

    Lion: Parents have international air industry, and can afford a tutor for Lion.
    Blaze: International wrestling.
    Brad: International Kickboxing.

    To add, Brad doesn't sound Italian. If he has any connection to Italy, he would be an American or Australian, whose Italian parents were refugeed from WW2, and dual-citizenship. The kickboxing tournament can only accept one country, so he chose Italy.
  15. kevinrafale

    kevinrafale Well-Known Member

    Woaaaaah =|
    Nice. Lol
    You think alot don't ya? :p
  16. Violet

    Violet Well-Known Member

    I agree that Brad doesn't sound Italian. One of my grandmothers is full Italian, her parents came to America from Italy. I was sort of sad that Brad was fake-Italian. I find his playboy-ness (not to mention Lion's apparent arrogance and bigotry) to be disrespectful to people of European heritage.

    However, VF is not Tekken, and therefore, there are two language options; Japanese and English. The reasons stated above make sense, whereas Pai speaking Japanese doesn't. Last I checked, the Chinese and Japanese weren't on good terms. But then again, does it really matter?
  17. MuayThaiFighter

    MuayThaiFighter Well-Known Member

    Dude Brad is Italian and from Italy, Lion is from France and El Blaze is Mexican it's simple as that, it's just a game but lui kang from MK is from a sholian temple i believe in china and he speaks american it's simple man just go along with it there all from where they say they are actually i'm from Italy i was born and raised there till i was 8 and i have no accent, i can speak italian but i have a all american voice. Both my parents are full blooded Italian and so are they're parents and so on, all born in different parts of Italy, so Brad is Italian and from Italy he's not fake Italian
  18. kevinrafale

    kevinrafale Well-Known Member

    Yeah, but Mortal Kombat, in terms of realism, is as unrealistic as a fighting game could probably get. I mean, a Ninja-Spectre comes back from the dead to avenge his clan, An Ice Ninja uses powers to freeze people, A blind swordsman uses telekinesis to rip people to shreds... In all of that context, A chinese man speaking American isn't much of a matter.
    The point I'm trying to make here is that, If VF boasts being the most realistic fighting game around, they chould have Authentic-to-their-culture voices.
    Not ragging on VF at all, I love the game, I mean, wy else would I join this site? :p But it just boggles the mind, that's all.

    People should really chill :p

    However, the points made by CobiyukiOS above are probably the best reasons to explain why people from foreign countries may speak English. Some good points made there.
  19. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    Agree! You, should take your own advice, too :p
  20. kevinrafale

    kevinrafale Well-Known Member

    LOL! Fair call, fair call :p

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