Why fighting games suck

Discussion in 'General' started by Seidon, Aug 13, 2010.

  1. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    Great argument, I wish you the best of luck in all your future endeavors. I especially liked how you took the points that I made and decided to refute them by stating how old I was. However, your inference that my emotional state is "quaking in my boots" is puzzling. Ever hear of projecting your emotions on to someone else? . . . read about it if you'd like to learn more.

    I'm done with this conversation just FYI. I completely disagree with about everything you've said about this topic. I was really looking forward to hearing your insight on this topic but it looks like you've shown me all you have to offer.

    We don't need to agree, but we don't need to be disagreeable about it. I hope you learn this.

    Just a little information about me. I'm a scientist, I get paid to take ideas break them down and look at it from another perspective and I'm good at my job. I constatly work with people who are 30 + my senior and roll with them like I was 50. I DON"T CARE that you're 17 or 18, really get that through your head. It was just a question . The fact that you're so riled up about a simple question tells me that you have some serious insecurities about your age. I know what it's like to be judged just because you're younger than someone. I'm not doing this to you. If you notice I asked for your age after our discussion not before.

    Again I don't care

    I also look forward to beating the living shit out of your virtua fighter character when VF:FS finally comes out. Eileen is going to wreak you so hard; you have no idea.
  2. Hazzerone

    Hazzerone Well-Known Member

    I especially liked how you took the points that I made and decided to refute them by stating how old I was.

    Oh, so sort of like how this happened then?:

    Followed by your reply of:

    Yeh well I'm currently in school, doing English and my future basically depends upon how I analyse text? Sorry that I'm not 10 years older and already in a profession that counts on my ability to do so.
  3. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Tricky, was merely playing the part of devils advocate. I didn't take offence to anything and i though my comment was pretty light hearted, as signified by the smiley face (I hear the ladies love them) and the "LoL". Lets have another look;

    Age has no part to play in right, wrong, discussions and indeed science. If it applys to people in their 20's like me and you why not younger?

    Hazzerone has already gone back into the whole age thing so not much to say there. Jigohro had a great response post. Apparently only took him a few minutes as well.
  4. Hazzerone

    Hazzerone Well-Known Member

    Okay guys it's 11:15 AM here, I'm waiting on a text right now and I gotta say I'm pretty bored. Please allow me to humour myself a little.

    The name of this game is "find Tricky's points!" Right! Let's get searching!...

    No points here boss! Jus' someone talking age!

    Boss he's talking about my age again! Oh wait he says something about me attacking the posters and not the points they make! BOSS! I'M TELLING YOU! HE NEEDS TO READ MY REPLY TO JIGOHRO!!!

    Boss, again I am too young. If only I was a college professor so this man could talk with me! I feel so neglected...

    This age thing is pissing me off boss...WHERE...ARE...THE...POINTS?!

    Boss, help me please? The man is trying to offer me a lollipop and possibly take me away in the back of his van!

    Boss I swear he's taking the piss. Calling me a troll and then offering me lollipops...WHAT IS THIS SHIT?!

    Boss...he's saying that I have no place on VFDC! [​IMG] Where will I sleep at night?! Gosh, he is so...ignorant!

    And there you have it kids! The science behind arguments.
  5. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    @ Hazz

    Wow, really starting to make yourself look foolish now. Our argument is between us, don't ask me to read someone else's post and your response to them. Those are irrelevant to our discussion. Everything I've said to you have been based on what you have said to me directly.

    I told you I'm done. I really am.I have nothing further to say on this matter with you. Go ahead and quote me if you want, just don't expect me to say much about it other than 'wow you look foolish'. . . if I decide to say anything at all.

    We're cool man. I misread devils advocate as defensive then, sorry bout that.
  6. Jigohro

    Jigohro Well-Known Member

    I personally like FPS, I was simply making a point that if someone cared to make a biased, angry article spelling doom and gloom, one could do so about pretty much anything.
    Well now, I won't try and pretend to be a specialist, but I could hazard a guess as to why FPS can put more modes and keep them interesting than, say, FG's or sports games. It's the basic premise. You need to keep certain elements in, or it will fall apart.

    The premise of FG would be "melee duel", or more accurately, "melee combat tournament". Now, the premise of FPS would be "armed conflict". People can and do have armed conflicts about anything, anywhere, with any sort of different odds - and that's where diversity in FPS comes from, because it's easy to wrap one's mind around the concept of "fight as a team" "kill everyone" "defend objective" "destroy objective". In-game modes are permutations of real-life situations. They have to be, or the game loses its genre, its connection with the player.

    Now, there's not much you can do with a "tournament". Fight as a team? Tag team battle. Beat opponents in a row? Story, arcade, w/e. Fight against all-comers? Survival. All within a premise, because frankly - that's what one expects. You can have all manners of a tournament-like combat, but what else could fit there?

    FPS's "Armed conflict" is such a broad premise in itself that pretty much nothing else, no other genre could compare and STILL retain its identity. How about comparing FG with sports games? Or flight simulators? Racing games? Heck, even so popular RTS? See where I'm coming from...?

    The popularity of, say, FPS over FG's is not due to the number of modes and whatnot, it's simply because there is more people who would like to relive armed conflict in-game than a tournament. Same reason why more people watch action movies than, say, MMA - it's what they prefer, and they cannot be blamed for it. No matter how excellent the MMA fight in question would be - it's a matter of preference.
  7. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    No, this is false. I don't know what your history is with the genre but if you put MK/SF2 alongside the latest fighters, and still fail to see the improvements and innovations, then there's no point in going on.

    I notice that someone has been kind enough to list just some of the improvements and innovations that have found their way into the genre, so I don't need to harp on about this.

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">"In recent times fighters have gone back to being 2D with 3D character models to give the impression of depth and now their popularity has one again sky-rocketed. When a genre actually has to revert major advancements because it couldn't adapt the gameplay to the changes, it's a warning sign that something is wrong."

    This is a point you simply cannot argue with. Everyone knows SF4/SSF4 sold a hell of a lot of copies. As much as you may hate SF4 you cannot argue that the game sold a hell of a lot of copies (especially for a fighting game) and even appealed to the mainstream.</div></div>
    Are you kidding me? Cannot argue with? Argue with what specifically?

    Firstly, which fighters went "back to being 2D"?

    Secondly, can you point out what major advancements were reverted as a result of a failure to adjust gameplay?

    Thirdly, SF4 sold well because (a) it's SF, (b) it was marketed superbly, and (c) it's bloody SF!

    None of these moronic "points" prove anything, and to suggest that one cannot argue with them is laughable.

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">"Fighting games are boring because you're doing the same thing, one-on-one duels, over and over again."

    As a fighting game fan to me this is not the case but I can definitely see why others would get tired of fighting games. It's just a mentality that some people have/others don't.</div></div>
    Finally we agree on something. The line I've bolded is important, so keep it in mind since I'll reference it later.

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">"There aren't really any levels or storyline, it is just you, facing off against another character who is either controlled by a CPU or another person, and duking it out. Sure this could be cool for awhile but how many times can you repeat the same actions and still have fun? What other modes are there? Time Trial? Survival?"

    This is also true. Even VF doesn't offer an abundance of other modes to keep the players having fun. You got Arcade mode (serves no purpose other than to get achievements/unlock Dural) You got Quest mode (PISSES ME OFF PERSONALLY! I still haven't beat every rival) you got Dojo mode (an important mode but not executed well enough for new players to learn anything). Then you got the real mode - Vs. Mode. But it's not like there's any tag team modes or anything like that. I'm not saying that I want VF to become a tag game but every mode is just 1 character vs another character, and again I can see why people would not like this.</div></div>
    If the article was titled "Why Fighting Games Suck for the Single Player Scrub Who Can't Be Arsed to Improve", then yeah, you'd have a point. But it wasn't, and I thought this was clear to everyone who read the article. Except you it seems.

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">"How about coming up with a new mode where you have to fight three characters all at once? Oh wait...that was actually such a dramatic evolution that it became a whole standalone game (Smash Brothers)!"

    The author tries to be sarcastic here, but if you think about it Smash Bros. actually sells a lot of copies. Obviously the appeal of tag fighting games is a lot higher than 3D 1v1 fighting games.</div></div>
    Again, you're confusing sales/popularity with what the article purports to be about, and that is that the genre sucks.

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">"Sometimes people will spam the same move over and over to win a match and it actually works. One example I can recall from Street Fighter is using M. Bison's down and B attack where he dashes forward."

    Here we have a classic example of a scrub attempting to play a fighting game and getting beat by spam. Imagine you are a scrub. One day you think "Damn man, I could really go for a fighting game right now" after getting bored of CoD MW2 on a daily basis. You go out and you pick up (insert fighting game here), you play the game online and your opponent uses 2-3 moves to kill you every single time. What, are you gonna want to play this game? Not everyone has the fighting game mentality of improving and some (read: majority) will actually just think "fuck this" and not bother with it ever again.</div></div>
    So this proves that fighting games suck, because someone with ZERO skill can't instantly pick up a game they've never played before and be competitive?

    Remember that line of yours I asked you to remember? Here it is again:

    "It's just a mentality that some people have/others don't."

    This is the reality which I'm glad you seem to have a grasp on. Some people are just not interested, have the time, are appealed by or disciplined enough to cut-it in the fighting game genre. So then ask yourself, is that really due to the genre's failings? You and that moron of an author would have everyone believe it was.

    Again "Why Fighting Games Suck for the Single Player Scrub Who Can't Be Arsed to Improve" was not what the article was about.

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">"Most fighters are just the same game except with different characters and a different rock, paper, scissors mechanic to memorize. It is high time this tired genre either evolve or retire altogether."

    Truth. All fighting games do have the rock, paper, scissors mechanic to them. This is known as mixups among us fighting game players.</div></div>
    This is just a moronic statement by the author in an attempt to sound knowledgeable on the subject. It's like saying all driving games are the same except with different roster of cars.

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">You can read this article any way you want but it does actually hold some truth to it.</div></div>
    It's clear to me, and practically everyone else, that you've read the article the way you wanted to.

    On the subject of "age"
    Knowing someone's age can help to put their opinions, statements, etc, into perspective and context. Given that you're still young, I personally don't take much stock in your opinion on the history of the genre. Don't take this personally, as I hold most teens in the same regard on this subject.

    You are no authority on the subject of the fighting game genre (yet?) To think that your mother was still wiping your bottom when I was challenging my peers in the local arcade on SF and VF makes me not want to take your views too seriously. I imagine (but could be wrong) that you've grown up in the world of the spoon-fed console gamer -- spoon-fed in the sense that you've never had to pay per play. So until you can prove that you have an appreciation for the roots of the genre (which, you clearly have not thus far), you shouldn't mistake a lack of reply as proof that your "analytical skills are great" or that your points are irrefutable. Far from it, it's just that nobody wants to waste their time on deflating this balloon you keep blowing. Except me.

  8. tex

    tex Well-Known Member

    He talked trash about everything except, Virtua Fighter and Soul Calibur. Soul Calibur is changing the fighting genre.
  9. FrakimusGrime

    FrakimusGrime Well-Known Member

    I personally never played the first soul caliber. But 2 was good and it just went downhill after that when characters in the game suddenly became broken and overpowered in the later games. I had soul caliber 4 but got sick of it because the online was a joke and full of gimmicky shit like yoda. Half the people i played backed up to the ring edge for a quick ring out and were scrubs that pulled on you when it didn't work.
  10. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    Couldn't you easily replace "fighting game" with just about any genre given enough ignorance? And I don't mean ignorance in an insulting fashion, I just mean that they might not know enough to formulate a proper opinion.

    Hell to me most of what was written in that "article" could be easily applied to sports games or FPS games. That's because I play / buy one of those games so seldom.

    Seriously FPS haven't changed in years, they added online, variations of kick the can, and dumbdown aspects of other genres, I'm looking at you RPG elements.
  11. FrakimusGrime

    FrakimusGrime Well-Known Member

    I personally would do for an update to the Bushido Blade series or A much improved samurai showdown game for weapon based FG's
  12. FrakimusGrime

    FrakimusGrime Well-Known Member

    Ya IMHO there really isn't much they can do with the FPS genre anymore. I looked at the trailers for Rage and other FPS games and they all seem the same to me. I notice that every several years a specific genre of games becomes the dominant genre. NES into the early 90's was adventure games. Mid 90's into 2000 was FG's and after that RPG's. now FPS's. Now the FG genre is on the rise again.
  13. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    Bushido Blade was golden!!! I personally prefer 1 over 2 though... Samurai Spirits did come out with a newer version, but it wasn't recieved well (1 because it was a 3d game, and 2 because of the mechanics). It does look kinda cool though...
  14. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    I was going to post a lot of choice quotes but it ended up being almost the entire article.

    "Racing games have become increasingly realistic, FPS evolve to meet the demands of the online gaming community, sandbox games have become more complex and detailed, and even RPGs have changed significantly from their early days. The only thing that has really changed about fighters is the number of characters in most of them could now rival a small army."

    Some of this has been appropriately dealt with already, but I'd like to point out 3 facts that demonstrates the premise of this post is completely false.

    1) Fighting games and the fighters were originally implemented by just programming graphic sprites (representing the fighter) to move forward, backward and up and down. And the fighting was largely a matter of computer animation. However, overtime fighting games have included more and more motion capture which has been a significant move towards more realism (e.g. Baek, Goh,Jean,Lei Wulong,Mitsurugi, Kilik, Feng Wei etc)

    2) The top tier fighting games require more skill to master than any other kind of video game. Many fighters have 50,60,70+ (some have 100+) basic moves to learn. Then these moves are combined into countless combos and sequences, and then there is the speed, agility, and judgment involved in knowing when, where and how to use the moves, the rings, the clock, your opponents health bar. No FPS, or RPG requires anything close to the type of per-second split decision making that a fighting game requires. Only the most advanced RTS games come close. Of course noob vs noob is another story, but when we are talking about intermediate to advanced play; fighting games absolutely require the most memory, decision making, agility, dexterity, judgment, hand-eye-coordination, and sheer stamina.

    3) The notion that fighting games haven't evolved is completely uninformed. Many of my VFDC brethren may not agree with me here, but I include UFC 2009/2010 and the Fight Night series in the fighting game genre. Even though they can be understood as sport games as well. But the sport that they represent is fighting. UFC 2009/2010 FNR have taken realism in fighting games to a whole nuther level. Also the complexity required to master these fighting games is substantial. Although the complexity is different than VFs, Tekkens, SC it still requires a great deal of skill,knowledge, stamina, speed, hand-eye-coordination, and memory. I'm playing UFC 2010 now it has lots of modes, Create a Fighter, career mode, exhibition mode, title defense mode, tournament mode, ultimate fights mode, and events mode[/size]. The UFC 2010, 2009, FNR and up and coming MMA have as much realism as any modern day FPS, racing game, or anything else, and there is plenty of immersion to go around.

    I've said this several times before UFC 2010, up and coming MMA represent Next Generation Fighting games. And these games sell millions of copies in their first year. So the nonsense about people not playing fighting games is just that.

    Once you include Fight night round IV, UFC 2009, 2010, MMA, and for that matter bombs like (DEF JAM ICON) then the argument of fighting games not evolving or keeping up with the times is really ridiculous.

    Sure, the mechanics of MK, SC, Tekken, VF are basically the same, but the motion capture, stage design, musical scores, and character designs have dramatically improved. But these are all First Generation Fighting games(They are among the originals). The MMAs, UFCs of the world represent next generation fighting game and the move to realism and massive audiences.

    Don't be fooled the next gen fighters do build on first gen fighters in many ways so it is an evolution. I am definitely a fighting game aficionado and have spent over two decades playing and studying fighting games.

    Marvel vs Capcom 3, SSFIV, KOF, MK, Blaze, Tekken, VF, SC, etc these games are standards and will probably experience revivals from time to time and they will always be played, but make no mistake about it, they are First Generation Fighting games.

    The next generation fighting game are represented by the Fight Night series, the UFC series and the up coming MMA series. These fighting combat simulations will sell 3 to 5 million copies in their first year. They represent the new trend of fighting games.

    So critics or critiques of the fighting game genre have to consider both first generation and next generation fighting games. You cannot leave UFC 2009/2010, MMA and FN out of any serious discussion of modern day fighting games, even if the fighting in these games occur within the context of sport.

    I am a devout VFer, I dabble in Tekken and SC, but these games are like Pac Man, they are classics but do not represent the state of the art any more. Trying to compare Tekken, or VF to Modern warfare, or red redemption, in terms of realism or mass appeal is not apples-n-apples. Compare COD, MW2, ACII, RR, Halo,etc to Fight Night Round 4 or UFC 2010 for realism, game modes, Sales, back-story, etc. Add the sales figures for UFC 2009, UFC 2010, and FNR4, and then ask yourself:

    Do Fighting Games Really Suck?
  15. Hazzerone

    Hazzerone Well-Known Member

    You really twisted the words right around on a few of these points to be perfectly honest with you Myke.

    Fine man, you get this point. You and Jigohro have got the better of me in this point.

    This is an example of you twisting words. Please comment on what I wrote rather than what I highlighted in bold from the article.

    This is wrote in the opinion of the author, right? Please remember this word - opinion. For this author fighting games SUCK! You have to accept that fact. Everybody has different opinions that is the very thing that makes it an opinion (personal opinion), that and also you cannot ever suggest that fighting games do not suck as a FACT.

    No, dude, I really am not confusing anything here. If fighting games don't SUCK for the majority of the people in the world then they would be more popular! Simple as that! And also I have to be honest with you guys that even I am starting to think VF sucks! Just because of the player pool. "Ahhhh yesss...let's enjoy a nice game of VF!...Nobody online" I am serious right now, this is the reality of VF (online). I want to fight someone? On to VFDC it is for me. Myke I have to say man, VFDC is the best fighting game (hell, even gaming) site I've ever joined. It offers a lot of information on the game and is ALL that you need (along with a functional brain, and players) to get a grasp upon VF. As nice as this community is it is BULLSHIT that I cannot play a game. Even as a player - even a fan of the game which logs onto this site whenever possible I have to say it's pretty bloody shitty when all I can do is READ about the game and WATCH videos of it (and it's successors) being played! Damn even when I do play it's the same old people and I truly cannot make any progress on my skill - the very thing I am looking to do when playing my fighting games!!

    Yep, I have never truly been to the arcades and put money into them to play fighting games (apart from the one time I was in Butlins/Pontins and I played a 3D fighting game - must have been either DoA or Tekken, can't remember I was very young and had 0 interest in fighting games at the time). Trust me though put an arcade with fighting games in my city and a few decent players and I'm there like a shot! It would be very unrealistic to ask a 16 year old boy to travel to London to play fighting games in the arcade! I have however, travelled to London and played a few sessions of various fighting games. I even travelled to London and entered Neo Empire.

    EDIT: Sorry that this post turned out looking like utter shit, too many [quotes] and etc for me to make it look right. Can't be bothered to get it to look right this time, sorry lol.
  16. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    Funny that he explained why he felt that FPS games take skill when the exact same thing could be said for fighting games and why they take skill.

    Then, as his epitome of all fighters, he lists Super Smash Bros???

    This dude is talking straight out of his ass.
  17. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Wonder if this guy read this thread.
  18. Xzyx987X

    Xzyx987X Well-Known Member

    There is really only one point I think is worth getting from this huge mess of tl;dr. Fighting games are too hard to get into because beginners can't easily understand what it takes to be good at them. If you made a fighting game that did a better job of clearly illustrating why you lost and what you could've done differently, it would likely have massive mainstream appeal. But we knew that already, didn't we?
  19. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

    People still giving this thread the time of day.
  20. Xzyx987X

    Xzyx987X Well-Known Member

    I was out of town, so I missed it while it was fresh.

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