Wolf's Combo

Discussion in 'Wolf' started by Mister, Jun 6, 2012.

  1. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    NP to being new, fresh blood is still blood :p
    And GJ for sharing this, I knew about it for quite some time already but because of how unreliable it is (to get exact placing in actual game is almost impossible;I connect it like 4 times altogether in last 2 months) and because how the result (jgl / wall splat) can vary, I never get myself to actually post it.
  2. Sozos

    Sozos Pai Sucksan Content Manager Pai

    :) Wolf is amazing and fun character. Im glad that he is my sub. Anyhow thx for your info and advices. I want to learn all the ways to connect with wallsplats. So at first i find the 2K. Cant wait to see more.
  3. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    I found this, poor light weight :p

    6P+K > 2_3P > P > 1P+K > 66K+G (84)

    easy damage, and you can use 63214PP to get 87(stance required) but who cares. :D
    Sozos likes this.
  4. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    thanks fo the combo dennis, i'll test it and insert as soon as possible. If unicorn doesn't do that before me.
  5. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    you can do 6PP instead of 66k+g for same damage and better oki
    624pp will whiff in open stance

    Strongest NH juggle possible on this chars is 6p+k 2_3p 2p 2_36p 666k+g for 85, works in both stances. Very easy in closed stance,pretty hard in open. Shitty okizeme, as with all this 66k+g juggles
  6. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the update! All the works you guys have done is amazing in wiki! It really brings wolf's damage into next level! Shame on me that I'm still using 4P>P>63214PP all the time and believe it's universal for all casts.:)

    There is one thing annoying me which is the combo end with 66>66K+G. I notice that most maximum damage after 2_36P flip is to use dash 66K+G or dash 4K+G K. However, it seems not constantly work for me. I either have 4K+G K whiff or CPU can tech roll immediately so 66K+G can't hit. For example, 6K CH for Wolf on wiki says 2P> 2_36P>66>66K+G but I never pull out even once.:( I'm not sure if this move 66K+G requires stance to hit because the animation does raise one knee higher. Any tips??

    One more thing I'd hope wolf players can figure out together. It's 2_3P uppercut CH setup. Yes, I'm looking for the maximum damage to use this 2_3P CH > 2_3P > COMBOS. For example, I can apply over 110 dmg on super light weight by using 2_3P CH > 2_3P > P > 9P+K > 2_36P > 66K+G, or basically over 100 dmg (except MH/HW) to do 2_3P CH > 2_3P > P > 1P+K > 63214PP. Well, the reason to use this because it's safe when opponent can struggle the 2_3P CH, and the damage is almost the same as 6K CH combos. This setup has been used wisely by JP players because they assume opponent can struggle well and they don't want to be in risk(it's -4 on block). It will be great if we can have feedback on this thread, although it's not a typical combos but very very powerful once you apply it.
  7. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    664k+gk is easy on some chars, insanely hard on others. Try it on Sarah for example, she is among the easy ones. And that 66 is just a very small, quick dash. You do not need to go forward for a lot, just a liiitle bit. 6k 2p 2_36p 664k+gk should do it for you.
    666k+g is more problematic. It can be connected like on everyone, but on some chars it is very hard, especially in open stance (Lion open stance = like 1 frame window to hit is as guaranteed damage after 6p+k). If you wish to get feel for this, do not test it on 6k juggles. It is hard even on easiest chars here. Go vs I will say again Sarah probably, closed stance, 46p+k p 9p+k 2_36p 666k+g. This should be easy enough (not easy objectively, but easy for 666k+g juggle standards) to give you feeling how it works. Then it is just matter of practice. Also, with this juggle on Sarah, you can swap 666k+g fpr 664k+gk to test the other finisher, as both are easy here.

    Also, it is worth to note that especially 666k+g and 66624pp juggle enders dificulty is very character/jgl dependent. It is worth to check where it is doable and where it is useful. before you try to pull it out in tournament :p

    2_3p mc into 2_3p is very safe (you can fuzzy if blocked), but your opponent may unstagger this, as you will hit te 2nd 2_3p at 17th frame at best, more often at 18th or even more.
    If they can unstagger, try to swap it for 16-frame 6P (6P into stagger leads to 6k mc juggles). If they can still unstgger, try 15-frame 4P. If they can still unstagger, try PK (12 frames).
    If even this is not guaranteed on your opponent, you have "only" perfect nitaku situation here.

    Anyway, juggles you listed for lighties are probably the best ones.
  8. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    I do buffer as fast as I can and it turns out the 2nd 2_3P is still not able to reach 16f. It's most likely 17f because it can be interrupted by 2P with +4. The assumption is clear that opponent CAN struggle and you want to be SAFE, with 6P which leads you not able to fuzzy on block. Applying high attacks is not my priority because it can be whiff IF they don't do anything, but it still an option. The whole setup can be treated as a nitaku easily, to apply a throw into it.

    I'll keep my eyes on those 66K+G end, it's really great to make maximum combos but I'm just afraid it drop too often.:(
  9. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    Advantage of 6P is it have 2 possible - and delayable - followups, so trying to attack/throw you right after 6p is risky.
    Problem is in most cases 666k+g are just that - max damage. The 624pp, 6pp and 4k+gk enders all gives you aditional options 66k+g lacks.
    It is because in terms of okizeme, 2_36p 666k+g is shit cause you are at small advanatge to small disadvantage after perfect tr, depending on jgl and your opponent.
  10. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    The following combos are based on this video, and it's just a draft so welcome to correct it or add any info. Be aware of that all the OM/evade cancel is toward to opponent's back side, and low throw command could be switch depends on the timing. The order is based on my habit and I also add something I need to use.

    46P+G P+G
    6P+K > 2_3P > P > 1P+K > P > 66K+G > 4K+G P+G (Eileen)
    6P+K > 2_3P > P > 1P+K > P > 46P+K > 4K+G P+G (Blaze)
    6P+K > P > 9P+K > P > 2_36P > 66 > 624PP > P (W) > 1P+G
    33P+K > OM > P > 1P+K > P > 66K+G > 4K+G P+G (Van)
    33P+K > OM > PKG > 2_3P > P > 1FK 2P > 624PP > P(W) > 33P+G/1P+G (Van)
    33P+K > OM > P > 2_3P > P > 1FK 2P > 624PP > P(W) > 33P+G/1P+G (Pai)
    6P+K > P > 2P > 1P+K > P > 46P+K > OM > 33P+G (Sarah/Pai)
    33P+K > P(W) > P > 2_3P > 2P > 4K+G K (Sarah/Pai)
    33P+K > 2 > P > 2_3P > 1FK 2P > 1FK 624PP > P(W) > 33P+G (Sarah)
    6P+K > P > 2P > 1P+K > 2P > 6PP (-2DP)
    6P+K > P > 2P > 1P+K > 2P > 1FK 4K+G K > 1P+G
    6P+K > P > 2P > 1P+K > P > 66K+G > 4K+G P+G
    33P+K > OM > P > 2_3P > 2P > 624PP > KG > 3P
    33P+K > OM > P > 2_3P > 2P > 624PP > P(W) > 1P+G
    33P+K > 266 P > 2_3P > 2P > 624PP > OM > 1P+G
    33P+K > 266 P > 2_3P > 2P > 1FK 624PP > OM > 33P+G
    6P+K > P > 2P > 236P > 66K+G
    6P+K > P > 2P > 236P > 46P+K > OM > 33P+G/1P+G
    6P+K > 2_3P > 2P > 4K+G K (70)
    6P+K > P > 2P > 4K+G K > KG > 1P+G
    33P+K > OM > P > 624PP > P(W) > 33P+G
    6P+K > P > 236P > 66K+G (70)
    6P+K > P > 236P > 46P+K > P(W) > 33P+G/1P+G
    6P P+K > 2P > 6PP (71)

    6P+K > P > 1P+K > 2P > 4K+G K

    46P+G P+G (Ring Out)
    6P+K > P > P > 1P+K > P > 46P
    33P+K > OM > P > 1P+K > P > 46P
    6P+K > PKG > 1P+K > P > 46P
    33P+K > 266 P > 1P+K > P > 46P
    6P+K > P > 2P > 1P+K > P > 46P
    33P+K > 266 P > 1P+K > P > 46P
    pana likes this.
  11. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    Is it surely to the back side? I will guess it depends on the side of their TR, but I did not test it.

    Anyway great work with the transcription
  12. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    OM/evade cancel during the combos are toward to back side. Their TR is not predictable, so you can just guess. Different side does have different space so like I said the low throw can be twisted cuz 33P+G can close the space but 1f slower than 1P+G.
  13. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    I did some test with jeffry. You may land a low throw after a screw hook if the tech roll. You may tech roll in both direction and the difference will be low throw or side low throw. But now i can't recall which side is low and side low.
  14. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    I was trying to do more test on wolf's favorite moves such as 4P, screwhook, and 6P+K to see if I could get a link to do those low throw setups. For example, 4P > P > 624PP > P(W) > 1P+G works on CPU at dojo as long as the basic combos can hit, but once I recorded these commands to test on myself and it became unreliable. And I did found out if you hold G after side tech roll and those low throws could land easily rather than not touch any buttons.

    I'm not sure dojo is pure enough to test those things, or maybe there are some options need to be adjusted (It reminds me that there is a video shows that JA can use P+K to punish rising kick with +15 at dojo). Otherwise, I can do 100% low throw setups on 6P+K but I never see any Japanese player have done this before and it doesn't make sense at all.
  15. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    The point is that every character has it's own timing. I wrote down the setups showed in the video i posted.
    Often when you end a combo with screw hook you get the change to have a low throw setup. I'm trying to see if the timing is the same as naked hit and as combo ender.
    So far the screw hook seems to have the same properties but i can't really tell about other combo enders so i need to test things better.
  16. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    Mister, try this and let me know what's the result. I pull out this myself but I need feedback. :)

    6P+K > P > 1P+K > 2P > 4K+G K > OM > low thorw
    6P+K > P > 1P+K > 2P > 4K+G K > 266 > 1P+G
    6P+K > P > 1P+K > 2P > 4K+G K > OM > 1P+G

    I actually have more but I'm not sure I'm on the right path to explore deeper. Thanks.
  17. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    The problem is how quick the opponent side tech roll, and that's why those low throw setups are not reliable. Basically, wolf can use several different ways to kill the time to do low throws, not just OM or P whiff. The combos from this video is very useful, it not only gives the maximum damage (AFAIK) and also show you the extra credit to do the next low throw setups. Opponent can't ignore the chance to be low thrown cuz the damage is lethal.
  18. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    I tried this in dojo and yes, the timing changes due to perfect or not tech roll.
    However that's the max damage combo possibile on Jean. If you think your opponent is going to tech roll normally do the OM and you have a low throw attempt. If not you may try to gain less time with [K]~[G] cancel and a low throw ([3][3][P][+][G] possible here). Also evade dash cancel works too but i prefer using less directions when it comes to complex inputs.
  19. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    This and another 6K CH videos show us the maximum damage plus meaty and low throw setups. However, due to weird hitbox and space, we are not able to disassemble the entire process into individual element. That means 46P+G P+G > 6P+K is not equal to 6P+K and we have to treat this whole combo steps like 6K CH independent. I personally dislike this kind of design AM2 put this time, because there are tons of work you can always discover as long as you want to dig deeper. These 2 videos probably have the best cover about Wolf's ability, and it does show A LOT of information.
  20. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    46P+G P+G > 6P+K is not equal to 6P+K because 46P+G P+G > 6P+K is considered to be recovery counter while plain 6P+K is normal hit. It is pretty logical and systematical in fact.
    Just saying ;)
    This is true for most of presented jgls, but in few cases there are more damaging options, if you look for plain damage only.

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