Working out a Story Mode

Discussion in 'General' started by aoi ameindei, Aug 20, 2013.

  1. DK

    DK Well-Known Member Content Manager Jean

    I don't know if this has been mentioned before, but to tweak akira's story, I have a few ideas. so has there been any presence of akiras dad? And if not, make it ryo hazuki style. J6 killed his dad when he was young, like 1 year old. He lived with his grandfather and learned bajiquan. when he was 18, his grandpa told him about his dad. Now he is on a personal vendetta. idk if this is too corny or just not possible, but it would be a nice tribute to shenmue
  2. aoi ameindei

    aoi ameindei Well-Known Member

    originally shenmue was supposed to be a virtua fighter game and akira vendetta should end in him finding out revenge isnt the answer
  3. DK

    DK Well-Known Member Content Manager Jean

    I knew that. However, that would make for an interesting story. almost Harry potteresque. :)
    aoi ameindei likes this.
  4. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    I think they should each have a story individually but they need to be related to each other like the MK9 or even better DOA storylines.
  5. DK

    DK Well-Known Member Content Manager Jean

    Just wondering, through what medium will you publish the story?
  6. aoi ameindei

    aoi ameindei Well-Known Member

    wait you think im going to publish a story
    also tricky what were doa story lines like
    masterpo likes this.
  7. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    I don't really know how to explain it. Try youtubing DOA5's story mode, they have movies so you can see the whole thing in one shot.
    masterpo likes this.
  8. DK

    DK Well-Known Member Content Manager Jean

    That would be sweet. A fanboy can only hope. :(
  9. Star Outlaw

    Star Outlaw Active Member

    I still think it would be nice to do a story mode that covers all the events since the first game. Otherwise, I think that normal arcade endings for each character would suffice, with a rival battle.

    Game by game, the series really does have a very thin plot. And really, a lot of individual character stories don't even progress between games. The majority of the characters' motives are just to enter for the thrill of a good battle or to test themselves against rivals. Here are the most important bits that stand out;

    Pre VF1 - Character backstories, some more important than others, namely the ones linked to J6.

    VF1 - Aside from Lau winning and Akira not winning; nothing really changes. Sarah is still brainwashed, Pai still hasn't beaten Lau, etc. It isn't until 2 that the plot actually progresses somewhat.

    VF2 - Jacky saves Sarah, Akira wins the tournament and beats Dural (?) and Kage saves his mother. Shun sees a missing student of his at the tournament.

    VF3 - Sarah has amnesia and enters the tournament to gain back her memories. Jacky also enters to keep an eye on her. Kage enters to retrieve a part that will cure Tsukikage of an illness caused by her transformation into Dural. Wolf has prophetic dreams about the apocalypse.

    - Akira loses to Kage. Sarah regains her memories. Kage wins the tournament and retrieves the part needed.

    VF4 - Vanessa becomes Sarah's bodyguard in order to protect her from J6, who are planning to recapture her. Jacky is blackmailed by J6 into joining the tournament, and intends on putting an end to the organization for good. Sarah decides to follow after him in hopes of beating him and gaining peace of mind. Tsukikage reverts back to Dural, is taken back by J6, and Kage decides he has to kill her. Lau finds out he has a terminal illness and decides to find a successor. Pai wants to prove to Lau she is worthy. Lei-Fei is sent on a mission to kill Lau but plans or learning his technique instead. Goh is ordered to kill several fighters. Shun gets a letter from his student saying he's been captured by J6.

    - Lei-Fei proves his strength to Lau and Lau decides to teach him. Goh loses to Jacky. Aoi loses to Brad, swears to defeat him and also develops a crush on him. Shun-Di fights hard to find his missing student and makes it to the final round against Kage, but their fight is interrupted by Dural. Kage beats Dural, but it is not his mother.

    VF5 - Vanessa is kidnapped by J6 and is missing for sometime, but is mysteriously rescued and can't remember what happened, her body now even stronger. Vanessa's combat data was used for the new V-Dural. Pai saves Lau from being killed by Lei-Fei when Lei-Fei grows impatient. Jeffry goes after J6 when he learns they captured the Satan shark. Jean is ordered to kill the fighters after Goh's failure and targets his former friend Lion. Lion discovers his father's company is linked to J6. Taka joins the fifth tournament after a long absence. Jacky and Sarah's motives remain virtually the same from before.

    As you can see, several characters have very little presence in the main plot or whose motives hardly change. There is much more development in VF4 and 5, and there would be even more for 5 if we knew what happened at the end of that tournament. We'll have to wait until 6 for that.

    Most of the character rivalries are easy to spot, so I won't list them, but some are definitely more story driven than others. If there is a story mode, the main protagonists would be Kage, Sarah, Jacky, and Vanessa. After that we have Lion and Shun, who both have ties to the tournament. Lion has his father's connection to J6 and his old friend Jean, and Shun is trying to rescue his student, who I believe is the insider who rescued Vanessa after the fourth tournament. Goh and Jean and Dural are the obvious antagonists, so they're very important in driving the conflict.

    Wolf and Jeffry only have very minimal ties to the main plot. Aoi, Taka, Brad, El Blaze and Eileen have no connection to the plot, and so are the most tertiary characters. The same goes for Pai, Lau, and Lei-Fei, but the three of them are part of their own little sidestory that deserves attention, and Elieen will probably end up a part of that too at some point since she's following Pai. Aoi and Brad have their own little rivalry, and El Blaze is just there to be Wolf's rival.

    Then we get to Akira, who is pretty much obligated to be a main story character despite not having any ties to it. I imagine he'll end up becoming swept up in the plot much like he was in the anime, a sort of spanner in the works that messes up J6's plans. A rivalry between him and the J6 assassins Goh and Jean keeps being implied, so I'm assuming at the very least he's possibly J6's prime target for being one of the strongest fighters.
    MarlyJay likes this.
  10. Project Bokuho

    Project Bokuho Active Member

    Time for a reboot?
  11. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Why not publish the story in Manga form here on VFDC?

    Sample the original Manga, give it a modern remix and then start to evolve the story right here!

    TBH I think we could start work on a anime version once we have enough material. I know there are graphic artists on the site, and I've got peeps who use
    Final Cut Pro, I-Movie, Blender, OpenGL. I'm definitely down for laying some tracks,
    I'm sporting a Yamaha MOX-8, Cubase and Tascam DP02 these days. We could pull it off. A VFDC hosted VF manga and eventually an anime, would be kewl.

    Maybe we should start thinking about volunteers for a production team, and begin the makings of a agreed up story board.....
  12. DK

    DK Well-Known Member Content Manager Jean

    It would be pretty sweet to be part of that team, however, I have no knowledge in that field whatsoever! :(
  13. BinDiesel

    BinDiesel Member

  14. rebelleon

    rebelleon Active Member

    If only there was a way to make VF's story mode act like Bloodsport with the kumite.

    Akira's the main hero! There's gotta be a way!
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2014
  15. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    Hey! Jeffry's story is awesome. VF6 NEEDS to have satan shark escaped and having trashed Jeffry's boat again or something alike.
    Also, what the hell does J6 need the shark for? They wanted Jeffry in there so bad?
  16. MadeManG74

    MadeManG74 Moderator Staff Member Tournament Manager Silver Supporter

    The Satan Shark should be a secret boss character in VF6.
  17. ItSupah

    ItSupah Active Member

    Eileen and El Blaze were new to the tournament and could have been caught uo in stuff later and Jeffrey's story is a joke story. Akira is the main character so he'll might destroy J6 in the end.
  18. Project Bokuho

    Project Bokuho Active Member

    or Jacky.
  19. Dark Nova Void

    Dark Nova Void Well-Known Member

    Akira could destroy J6, but I think that role kinda leans toward Jacky or Kage imo. Shoot even Sarah and Jean(if he ever gets saved from being brainwashed) could take it down, so they get revenge for being brainwashed. Actually I think they're could have multiple characters taking down J6 all at the same time, not just one but who knows.
  20. Project Bokuho

    Project Bokuho Active Member

    Wait, doesn't Jean work for J6 though?

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