XBL Bad Games

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by Myke, Jun 4, 2012.

  1. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Not meaning to sound insulting but, sadly, I think this applies to a lot of gamers.
    I've noticed this sort of behavior along with megalomania, narcissism and "illusions of grandeur" from Eileen, Aoi, Wolf, Jacky, Kage, Lau, Kage, Sarah and Shun players.
    I can't say all the cast because I never got that vibe from, for example, Akira and El Blaze players.
  2. hseiken1

    hseiken1 Well-Known Member

    BG to DukeboyforLife.

    Stay classy...you won't get to sneak in videogames past your bedtime forever.
  3. hseiken1

    hseiken1 Well-Known Member

    BG to Venom4201.

    "You're a pussy and all you do is run away all day."

    This is what he said over voice after I beat him 3 times, each time trying to string on me with 3 different characters. I also found it quite easy to break his throws because he used the same one 6 times in a row (all were broken).

    Stay classy, too. Enjoy the late games while kindergarten is out.
  4. hseiken1

    hseiken1 Well-Known Member

    Also, a note about Venom4021...he will seems to think if he changes characters, he'll eventually win. I played him many times tonight and I'm sure he was still cursing me with the mic off. He tried exact same tricks while playing as Pai, Lau, Shun, Jeff, Jacky, Sarah and Lei.
  5. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    Hahaha. Perhaps it sounds a bit arbitrary/noobish to you, I don't know. I think it's the, uh, "user-friendliness" Lei has against players who aren't used to fighting him (canned mixups, sabakis, etc) that attracts people who will resort to rage mailing about "punch grabs", "Tekken" combos, people generally not knowing what's up, etc, since it in a lot of cases it works! It's unfortunate cause I have yet to run into a Lei-Fei player (that I can remember at least) on VF5FS online that doesn't play him that way.
  6. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Emx, I can't think of all of them off the top of my head but here's a few Lei players who actually played Lei in a smart manner and didn't mash:
    VFnumbers, Rodney and Cozby.

    I used to think that the twins Social Ruin and Wasted Wish were mashers at first until I learned more about the game and I realized that even though it looked like they were mashing at times, they are just really fast at reacting and their quick thinking can be misinterpreted as mashing but it's not. These guys are good.

    Sad thing is that out of those 5 only 1 still plays Lei to this day.
    Props to VFnumbers for sticking with Lei even after everybody else has abandoned him, lol.
    People say that he's nerfed but all it takes is one badass player to fully learn him, bring out and exploit FS Lei's full potential.
    Go VFnumbers go!
  7. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    Yeah, it def cuts both ways since actually learning him has always been daunting, haha.
  8. tikgnat

    tikgnat Well-Known Member

    Bad games to SidneyLee. I've played him before, and he's pulled before, but he joined my session, so I thought I'd give him a chance. He was my first match of the day after a hiatus of a couple of weeks.

    Anyway his Taka beat me, but no big deal, working out the cobwebs. He immediately hits me up again, but this time I comfortably beat him, and just after the last hit 'player disconnected'. L. O. L.

    He tried to hit me up a few times after that but I just booted him, avoid him like the plague.
  9. pizzacat83

    pizzacat83 Well-Known Member

    Midget Foot 83
    Bad games to Dario Faab and BLADE 614. Both players are rage quitters. This game really needs to implement a feature that gives the non-quitting player an automatic win like Mortal Kombat does.

    Also bad game to REPEAT OFFENDA. He's a damn good Shun player, but I don't appreciate being sandbagged. Just beat me instead of dancing around the stage. Sandbaggers really piss me off in any game because I'd rather just lose and get on to the next game.
  10. hseiken1

    hseiken1 Well-Known Member

    BG's to ShinyBrendton (or whatever your name was). Don't be so salty. You should know by now there's lots of stuff online that just ain't right. Instead of putting that blame on ME and bitching about how *I* get away with stuff, how about just playing the game next time...you ruined what would've been a good ol' evening of sparring, bro.
  11. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Kamais Ookin
    Don't even mention Shinybrentford in these forums seiken, he's despicable.
  12. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    *doing impression of Shiny Brentford*

    "Howdy folks, I recken yall just hate'n and that meens yall just pert of mah FAN CLOB."


    Dention claims that he's the #1 FS player on XBL but the only reason he's at the top of the ranking list is because he ducks and pulls on the real #1 FS player on XBL: Gentleman Thief.

    Gentleman Thief should be the one with that spot since he beats Dention 10 to 0.
    Please, stop playing Dention and giving him ranking points. Play GT, even if he beats you you'll actually learn about Jean and how to play the game better.

    If you start beating Dention consistently, Dention will start pulling on you. Gentleman Thief never pulls.

    I wrote Dention about putting him on blast and that was the only time ever he responded to one of my messages.
    He wrote back: "You don't have to do that. Everybody knows already." [​IMG]

    Please, please stop playing Dention. He's a fraud and a cheat.
  13. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

    Ko and Tony are a lot like my ex girlfriends. Sure at a party your going to call me a asshole, but we all know by the end of the night your going to be sucking my dick.

    hseiken1 get over yourself. Your on the shout box dickriding Kamais_Ookin of all people. Your literately a 2nd generation dickrider. Get off those nuts and step up your game. Maybe if you learn the game you might get salty just like me when situation like on ch knee and you block the free 100+damage combo or a headbutt to a free p,k setup to only have you 2p.

    Maybe you should stick to drawing your pretty picture.
  14. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Whoa, the claws are coming out, lol. Watch out folks, we got a badass over here.
    Man, you even changed your mentally challenged signature. Good for youuuu.

    Dude, it was annoying enough when you were typing and talking like an inbred reject but please, don't start getting all homo on us too.

    Really, guy? Look, I'm ok if you are gay, no problem, but I don't think this is the forum you wanna be on to share about your gay porn fantasies.
    So stop that, you perv tard.

    Now, here's the thing, you suck (and no, not on my balls, get your mind out the gay gutter, focus please) you've always sucked. Even back when you had your *precious* dmp+k to save your ass, you still sucked then and I'm sure you still suck now!
    I haven't played you yet but there's no way that you actually, finally sat down and tried to learn frames, combos and strats when you can't even remember the proper spelling of simple everyday words.
    Your mental capacity is small and weak. Your comebacks are lame and laughable (not in the good way).
    Nobody else even bothers to tell you these things because they don't care.
    But I care, Shiny. I've always cared about the mentally challenged.
    I want you to get help. Stop playing VF and go get some happy pills.
    Just make sure they're not the kind that Tim takes [​IMG]
  15. leftylizard

    leftylizard Well-Known Member

    blue mouthwash
    I'm going to keep it real... I was in a vf lobby last month with shiny and he was beating everyone in it. He looked to me like he knew what he was doing. I don't know if he is a puller ,but his goh looked fairly strong. The lobby was full and the other players he was playing looked decent.
  16. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

    Lefty Tony hates me because I made him look like a tool in front of Tim and Assassin CP. Let him vent. Or maybe we have to have another one of those party chat conversions(you remember the one where you just yell alot and everyone laughs at you) again. It always funny to see how smart you really are when you don't have google.
  17. leftylizard

    leftylizard Well-Known Member

    blue mouthwash
    Tony@KO seem like reasonable guys,I'm sure the three of you gentlemen can resolve whatever issues you have and enjoy the great game that is VF5FS.
  18. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Whoa, you made me look like what? Wtf party where you at? The one where you couldn't say anything other than "oh yea well ur just a fan at mai, umm, fan clob, derp".
    I can't freaking believe that you actually brought up ASSassin CP and Tim... really?? So, let me get this straight, YOU made ME look BAD in front of two fucktards??


    In VF5 vanilla you sucked, that game was way too complex for your tiny little-hamster-on-a-wheel brain to comprehend.
    Now in FS, all of a sudden you're good? According to who? Lefty Lizard? Lol, yea, that's a very reputable source you're getting your rocks off from.

    Lefty Lizard, idk what shitty game hole you crawled out of but you haven't had not even ONE assumption right about this community yet!
    NOT A ONE.
    All the people that you think are good, actually suck and all the people who you think suck, are actually good.
    You dared to insult the NY players, some of the coolest and best players in the NAVF scene and you really think you know wtf you're talking about when it comes to anything VF related?
    Listen, find a nice little spot close to the kiddie pool and sit down before you hurt yourself.
  19. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Kamais Ookin
    Lefty, I'm going to keep it real here. You sweet like deer meat as SDS said so your input is unnecessary. Also no, I don't think Tony or I can ever resolve our issues with that delusional Texan who thinks everyone's sucking his dick if they don't like him. [​IMG]

    Shiny is a decent goh player, it's not his skills in the game that I'm attacking (although it's nothing special either, seiken is better than shiny already LOL).

    Anyways, I have nothing to say that I havn't already in the past, so I'm just going to stick with my original message: Don't even mention Shinybrentford in these forums seiken, he's despicable.
  20. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

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