XBL Bad Games

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by Myke, Jun 4, 2012.

  1. FamedCactus0095

    FamedCactus0095 Active Member

    By that I assume you are talking about my post.
    Than my question is. Do you have reading disability?

    I don't blame anyone, I am simply asking if it is possible considering the situations I've added, or was it pure net code failure.

    The game online in some cases is nothing like live. In those cases, it's either extremely stuttering, freezin, slow/ which results in being unable to come out of certain spams or being unable to do a damn thing when getting up before getting another 50/60% beaten out.

    My QUESTION was is it possible, or does that indicate bad net coding. And please don't reply if you're buthurt. Thank you!
  2. Pai~Chun

    Pai~Chun Well-Known Member

    Lishao Tao GPK
    The netcode is not a disaster at all, and when I played you last year (both in Europe) it was absolutely fine. If in-game speed is a concern, maybe stop playing Jean, and try a faster paced character.

    <-- Ahem ;)
  3. FamedCactus0095

    FamedCactus0095 Active Member

    I'm playing Lau/Jacky.

    I amnot saying "all the time" I said "in some cases"
  4. Pai~Chun

    Pai~Chun Well-Known Member

    Lishao Tao GPK
    Well, just take a look at some of the pro Jacky and Lau stuff on YouTube, and see when and where you can score damage. The combo threads on here will give you higher punishment options than just doing set strings each time you get an opening.
    If you keep getting constant lag on there, you'll have to really check your own settings. Router, cables etc., maybe even phone the ISP and check they have the XBL ports covered and you're getting the best speed up and down. Other than that, make sure you're not playing guys on the other side of the world, and stick within Europe and east side USA.
  5. Chibitox

    Chibitox Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    Bad games to Cooladdy, dodger and puller.
    I don't understand how this guy can still have a green Icon.
    He keeps avoiding or pulling at last round when he's about to lose and then takes the time to write messages explaining why he pulled (controller issue, lag, only when he's losing of course lol), maaaan that must a be full time job considering how many games he has !! :rolleyes:
    Chefboy_OB and Sozos like this.
  6. Ben_Lord_Dur

    Ben_Lord_Dur Well-Known Member

    Ben Lord Dur
    It seems that he had this problem several times yesterday... LoL
    He said to me (controller issue) the same thing and was dodging after that... :rolleyes:
  7. Chefboy_OB

    Chefboy_OB Well-Known Member

    The short answer is no...

    Scrubs with drop to protect their precious rank(frauds), but if you're having problems interrupting then it is lag, and lag affects both parties. Don't get to caught up on fighting people who don't know what their doing and getting mad when they sneak away wins. You'll do fine otherwise.
  8. leftylizard

    leftylizard Well-Known Member

    blue mouthwash
    The netcode is good in this game compared to other fighting games out there. I have to admit though that I prefer and take matches with eastcoast players more serious since I'm closer to them.

    And in response to famedcactus talking about getting tired of pokes...that is part of the game. Some people do it more than others and some characters playstyles rely on it more than others. Pokes don't do that much damage anyway,and they run the risk of not being able to catch up to you (combo > poke)if they rely on pokes a lot. You can evade pokes or use a move that beats out p or 2p. In wolf's case he can stop both but any character can crush 2p I think.
  9. Happy_Friend

    Happy_Friend Well-Known Member

    Poking is usually the opposite of spamming, minus some low punch spamming that can be done automatically in certain circumstances and is pretty easy to punish if predicted.

    The idea of poking is to see if the poke landed or was blocked and then do the appropriate thing afterwards. This is pretty common for more experienced players. I think of spamming more as throwing out strings and patterns without much decision making or hit checking, etc. Also pretty spammy is constantly doing evade -> attack whether the evade failed or not or whether you even know what the opponent did, e.g. Craftier Nut evade shoulder spam every round multiple times. I would even call Wolf's charge move pretty spammy since with little skill it can be rather mindlessly thrown out with a big reward, but considerable skill to evade it. I played Wolf some in Evo and VF5 and I would do the move to my friends a some times. But I usually got away from it because it wasn't super fun to do repeatedly and after you have hit someone with it, what is the point of doing it ad nauseum?
  10. FamedCactus0095

    FamedCactus0095 Active Member

    I didn't say I was tired of pokes. Another with reading disability.

    I said that in some extreme laggy cases It's impossible to come out of it. Seriously, those who fail to read my recent comments should maybe take a break from the game, it's clearly messing with your rational way of thinking. Friendly suggestion!
  11. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    Word is that if you "pull" in certain way, the game register it as net issue ant not real DC and will not count it towards your icon color.
    Dunno how much it is true, but I heard this from multiple different persons already.
  12. Ben_Lord_Dur

    Ben_Lord_Dur Well-Known Member

    Ben Lord Dur
    Seems controller issues are in that case...
    Maaaan he ranked up and even me I sometimes give him good spanking...
  13. Ben_Lord_Dur

    Ben_Lord_Dur Well-Known Member

    Ben Lord Dur
    BGS to reeledSnoox... This guy is awesome. Complaining I was doing the same thnig all the time and poking a lot... Well U know ... A scrubby Jacky turtling guy...
    Also to cooladdy who have a lot of controller "issues"... Wireless... Is not good.
  14. Kruza

    Kruza Well-Known Member


    Hahaha, I can't front... I enjoy fighting CMoney. We constantly go at it like the Hatfields vs. the McCoys whenever we see each other in ranked and I love it. One night earlier this week (Monday?) we had to have played about 30 same-title matches before I had to get offline. Recently he's gotten to a different title though, and it's not quite the same since it's far less at stake in our matches.

    Anyway... same deal with Sundevillive, kwicktopp and Exequiel911. I have had plenty of exciting duels with these guys as well over the last couple months where I would play at least a dozen ranked matches against them in a set. Good Lord... especially Exequiel and his maniacal Kage. Heh, he really got the best of me in the last set we played a few weeks ago. I have a score to settle with him.

  15. pupstar

    pupstar Active Member

    Not sure if you're on here cooladdy, but you 're a tool.
  16. Pai~Chun

    Pai~Chun Well-Known Member

    Lishao Tao GPK
    Hey wassup pup? 'addy seems to live and breathe XBL ranked, yet only fights those he can beat... thousands of games clocked, no outfits, really dry play :zzz: Think he is a UK player. Shame he has to be like that, but I guess some of these leopards really can't ever change their spots.
  17. pupstar

    pupstar Active Member

    ^ yeah it's a shame because I have a great green connection with him, but his play style is horrible - I see nothing that supports the 15K matches he has fought and he pulls a lot. Reminds me of BBSpartan.

    EDIT - ggs last night PaiChun
    PaiChun and MakiLeSushi like this.
  18. FamedCactus0095

    FamedCactus0095 Active Member

    BGs to "Lishao Tao GPK" Lag abuser.

    This guy is fucking using lag to win games. If you win 2 rounds prepare for unpredictable freezes, where it follows by massive combos. His connection shows fine. Also, funny how he always executes combos directly after the freeze. Way too obviouse!

    Avoid this prick!
  19. kingo

    kingo My bitch G0d3L is a scrub Content Manager Aoi

    Bgs to cooladdy for DC at the 2nd round, and then he had the audacity to send me a message "can you let me win 1 match please".. That stupid loser is the perfect mix of tuchmaballz and Snake Noob from PSN.
    EvenPit likes this.
  20. Pai~Chun

    Pai~Chun Well-Known Member

    Lishao Tao GPK
    Yup, that'll be the last time you ever get an invite to any of the laid back Euro rooms we run on there, good job. Enjoy playing cooladdy in ranked back-to-back in those Jacky mirrors :zzz: Also, if you have video evidence to back your claims up, do share, as I'd love to see myself doing these "massive combos" :eek: Obvious troll is, obviouse!

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