XBL Bad Games

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by Myke, Jun 4, 2012.

  1. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

    I love how I join your party and you run away like a little girl. Maybe you should take your own advise and just keep dodging me.
  2. Pai~Chun

    Pai~Chun Well-Known Member

    Lishao Tao GPK
    Another generic misanthrope in the video-game world, how exciting :rolleyes: "If I'm not hating every one for any thing at any time, I'm not doing it right!" :zzz:


    Great little picture if you can track it down...
    ShinyBrentford likes this.
  3. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    I know i'm not saying something new but BG to Cooldaddy that disconnected on me TWICE. First with Kage and then with taka altought he won a game against me.
    UroboroSx likes this.
  4. Ben_Lord_Dur

    Ben_Lord_Dur Well-Known Member

    Ben Lord Dur
    I refuse playing him for a month and he still sends me messages... :D
    I won't play him again. EVER.:p He can now search for another trololol disconnect gaming source.

    Maybe one day i'll play jacky as a spammy sub (even worse than my actual playstyle lol) and disconnect each time I lose... :cool: I'm jokin'!:D
    EvenPit likes this.
  5. EvenPit

    EvenPit Well-Known Member Content Manager Eileen

    Just troll him back if you have too oh that really gets em. Btw isn't he like down to a half of a star on xbl? If he keeps it up hell get this slapped on him..
    Screen Shot 2013-03-20 at 5.58.38 AM.png

    Dont worry about it too much man Cooladdy is Cooladdy
    UroboroSx and Ben_Lord_Dur like this.
  6. Ben_Lord_Dur

    Ben_Lord_Dur Well-Known Member

    Ben Lord Dur
    It made me laugh each time I get one. I guess he must be desperate.....
  7. SEGA jipi

    SEGA jipi Member

    Same here, he blatantly disconnected during one of the few matches I was leading against him.
    He tried to challenge me a dozen times since then, and he does not seem to get it: no way I'm playing against him again, even for one match.
  8. Pai~Chun

    Pai~Chun Well-Known Member

    Lishao Tao GPK
    Yeah, he pulled on me earlier today as well, after I beat all his chars with Vanessa (she really is a godly 2P killer). Guy has clearly lost the plot, if he ever had one to begin with. His rep is on half a star lol, dreadful.

    It's unfortunate that you can't perma-block people like that when they spam challenges. Any tiny flaw in a lobby system, these jokers will exploit it to get their kicks :zzz:
  9. Seminasuke

    Seminasuke Well-Known Member

    Everyone needs to stop kicking the dead horse.
    ShinyBrentford likes this.
  10. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

  11. KageRulesALL

    KageRulesALL Guest

    BG: GoDoKuNoDAN
    Reason: Get's lucky and posts his victories on YouTube while being a real Dbag.
    Rematch: No. He won't except any challenge from me. He is a coward.
    Ytpme_Secaps likes this.
  12. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    if a guy is that big of a douch ignore him and move on. There are many other people you could be playing aside from him. I don't know him personally and I am not going to say anything bad about a guy I don't know anything about. If you have an issue with him fine that is natural and you shouldn't hold it in. Just learn from it taking it as another life lesson. There isn't any need to let the rest of us know about your personal issues with him though.

    This just my take in the situation anyway
    KageRulesALL likes this.
  13. Ytpme_Secaps

    Ytpme_Secaps Well-Known Member

    Jami San
    Godoku No dan (the legend lives on) has been doing this since day 1

    we even have had him in some great rooms, and he was a good competitor, but he always does the same thing , he waits till he gets his ONE win, then we all have to wait while he names it and saves it, then it shows up on his replays, but he never shows the 100 losses he got before that win

    Not to mention the couple of wins he got that night were actual flukes (felt bad, smoked cig etc.)
    leftylizard likes this.
  14. Richkwondo

    Richkwondo Well-Known Member

    Rich Parker here, photographer and video editor for VFWarlord.blogspot.com. All the staff at VFWL were laughing their asses off at the pathetic display you passed off as fighting skills. You ran away and spammed forward flip kick, and mashed those potatoes trying to land 2p or 2k. You got elbow crushed repeatedly, and didn't have a clue why. As if trying one more 2p would make a difference.

    You got your ass kicked free, (by one of GDKND's sub-alt characters) then got so butthurt that your loss was posted on YouTube, you made an an invasion of privacy claim. Pathetic. YouTube rules clearly state that gamer tags and avatars do not qualify as private information. The fact that you suck at VF is not private information. You should be more embarrassed that your XBL gamer tag is the same moniker you use on YouTube to post Harlem Shake videos. Anybody who does Harlem shake videos ought to be neutered so they can't infect the rest of the earth .
  15. ExzetyXat1

    ExzetyXat1 Well-Known Member

    LOL 2p and 6p counter hits all day Pepsolman fucking owned!
  16. Vanilla_Tears

    Vanilla_Tears Well-Known Member

    That is some of the worst vf play i've seen in a while. my head hurts.
    ExzetyXat1 likes this.
  17. Keoma

    Keoma Well-Known Member

    So I had a close fight with this dude, who kept repeating the same move on me.

    No problem, except that when he lost the last of five rounds, he has to message me.


    I ask "Why", knowing already what he's going to say.


    Egging him on, I ask him what the right way to play is.

    Of the people who have the nerve to message you with crap, I have not seen one yet who doesn't do the same exact thing they're bitching about. It seems they have a set of rules that they only remember when they lose. I'd love to see a behavioral economist tackle this phenomenon!
  18. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

    GoDoKuNoDAN vs. Pepsolman FT10? Just instigating.

    So ladies nut up or shut up.
  19. Ytpme_Secaps

    Ytpme_Secaps Well-Known Member

    Jami San
    Am I in an alternate universe? What part was the bad part, cuz to me, El Blaze's play was scrubby as hell, and poor etiquette as well.

    I saw nothing that great from kage, but nothing that was aweful either.

    So are you saying that you think godoku's el blaze was bad play? or Kage's?
  20. Vanilla_Tears

    Vanilla_Tears Well-Known Member

    Both were bad.
    Ytpme_Secaps, FakeSypha and Chibiaya like this.

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