XBL Gamertag; West Coast List

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by Brisal73, Oct 5, 2007.

  1. MogKnight

    MogKnight Member

    GT: MogKnight Prime
    Los Angeles, CA
  2. PineTree

    PineTree Well-Known Member

    Does Arizona count??

    Yuma, AZ

    This is my first VF game and I play Brad, hope to see some of you guys online
  3. funkynuts

    funkynuts Member

    My tag is in my sig and I'm from the UK. I have played plenty of people from the US without too many problems, so if anyone can get good games with the UK, then hit me up.

    Its just a temporary tag which I made just before the patch come out to try and find good games and make friends, since it was crap post patch. I'm not a bad player, nothing special either, just love playing beat em ups. I have beaten some players I would say were pretty good, but at the same time I can lose to newbies because of my impatience. At the moment I use Blaze, Brad, Sarah, Akira and Lei, and plan on learning at least 5 or more characters. I play players matches more or less exclusively and I like to change characters every few games.
  4. AME2

    AME2 Active Member

    My GT is lexlugga
  5. norvo

    norvo New Member

    norvo, just joined the boards!
  6. BodomSoldier

    BodomSoldier Active Member

    Getting back into VF5 again... need more player matches!

    GT= Bodom Soldier
  7. DreamcastDC

    DreamcastDC New Member

    San Francisco, California

    Gamertag: DreamcastDC

    Feel free to add me to your friend list.
  8. drfate

    drfate New Member

    San Diego Ca, but from Chicago ( Da SOX!, Da Bears! and Da Bulls! )
    XBLGT: dr fate
    Feel free to add me to your friends list. Please no kids, I'm in for the Comp and love of fighting games, not to hear some 12 year old rant and yell in the head set.
    Games I play :
    Rainbow six 2 Vegas
    NBA 2K8
    FORZA 2
  9. CigarBoB

    CigarBoB Active Member

    GT : cigarb0b (it is a ZERO in bob)

    If anyone even checks this any more add me for some matches.

    Im not very good right now but im learning fast.
  10. Terry

    Terry Member

    If you need a sandbag, here I am.

    tag: RyterStudio
    San Jose, CA
  11. haunts

    haunts Well-Known Member

    Im probably a bit late to the party here but I just got an Xbox yesterday.

    hauntsxl is my tag. holler.
  12. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    Cool Hanuts~
    Finally you got xbox~~
    enjoy online!!!!
  13. haunts

    haunts Well-Known Member

    hey dennis do you still play online???
  14. Dan

    Dan Well-Known Member

    Hey I just got my internet back after a couple years and 30 minutes worth of XBL updating (jesus!)

    tag is still Unsafe Dan wondering if anyone is alive or are we all playing Tekken 6?
  15. Krafty Matt

    Krafty Matt Well-Known Member

  16. Jinzer0

    Jinzer0 Active Member

    Wow Now I know I am Late. My wife got me an XB360 for Fathers Day and I just got VF5 a couple days ago.
    My GT is: NamiXJin
    I play on Mon-Thurs pending on my work schedule.
  17. Jargen88

    Jargen88 Well-Known Member

    Hey all. Haven't been on the sight for a while.

    Just recently got an Xbox and VF5. It's taken some time to ajust to the D-pad on Xbox, but most of my execution isn't hurt too badly.

    My GT is: Loved Poet

    Also can someone tell me what pulling is? I want to be able to detect and prevent myself from doing it.
  18. nou

    nou Well-Known Member



    Getting back into this.
  19. kil

    kil Well-Known Member

    kildamonk is my GT

    tacoma WA
  20. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    So yeah, my new GT is under the profile, just in case anyone was confused?

    Wanted to edit, but yeah.....

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