XBL Good Games

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by Myke, Jun 4, 2012.

  1. Snowgoons

    Snowgoons Member

    GG's to everyone I've fought the past couple of days. I don't think many people were from this site, most of you are waaaaaaaaay above my level...for now haha.

    GG's I Highwind I your Taka messed me up.
  2. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Are you Ad4m? That lei is a nightmare, really fun matches too.

    GGs to everyone else i've played in the last week or so, had some excellent room matches with Marly, Ash, Kamais, Strategist, Daydream, Blossy, Tricky and many others.

    Same goes for ranked, had some immense matches with Thrfin, Settra, Krye, Madhunter TKK, OptiUK ...too many to remember.

    Also thanks to TSF and everyone else that's put up with my n00b Goh over the last few days.
  3. Johoseph

    Johoseph Well-Known Member

    Lau of America
    GGs in player matches tonight LA. I'm not sure if I just played real bad or you figured me out that much more since yesterday haha [​IMG] Which I know you're capable of [​IMG] Thanks for the matches though. I think I took like 3 rounds total [​IMG]
  4. pleportamee

    pleportamee Well-Known Member

    Good games to everyone I've played so far. Still gettin the rust knocked off of me!
  5. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Kamais Ookin
    GG's to denkai, konjou and GT today in our 1/2hr room session. It was really fun and being exposed to a variety of top players felt like a great learning experience. I also realized I have so much more progress to go. [​IMG]

    GG's also to SDS, I got destroyed that session... and I fucking loved it! I want more. [​IMG]
  6. Kobi

    Kobi 'Noh' One Bronze Supporter

    Waverusher Kobi
    GGs to Koompbala and Black L A C. Shame I couldn't stay for more.
  7. Snowgoons

    Snowgoons Member

    GGs Dr. Milkshake MD, nice Goh, but I have a feeling you were taking it easy on me...very easy.
  8. StoneColdSerb

    StoneColdSerb Well-Known Member

    GGs to everybody on XBL. Great to see so many of the same folks putting in the hours.

    To many to mention, some I remember offhand would be: Daydream, Thrfin, Madhunter TKK, Sensei SD.

    Also a Russian Brad player as well as a Goh player that kicked my ass a number of times.
  9. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    Ggs to Feck, i realized just now i played you in a ranked match. I'm still used to your old GT
  10. MayorMcFilthy

    MayorMcFilthy Member

    GGs to all I've played in ranked over the last couple of days. Slowly, but surely I'm starting to feel more at home w/ the game's systems and I'm happy to say it's the first fighter I've played in a long time that makes me want to keep playing long online sessions despite some brutal ass-beatings.
  11. Sozos

    Sozos Pai Sucksan Content Manager Pai

    ggs to all i ve played the last couple of days!! ggs to chiefgutti and feck yesterday for the amazing and fun games that we had!
  12. Chibiaya

    Chibiaya Well-Known Member

    Bus Orez
    Uh, Good games to Killaken7 and to Kidvid...sorry i forgot the rest lol.

    Kidvid: First kage Ive come across, you had some really interesting stuff.

    Killaken: I gotta learn how to fight pai better.
  13. stpROCK

    stpROCK Well-Known Member

    Thanks. The Lei-Fei theme is so cool, the mix up rather strange.

    @Feck: Yeah, my GT is Ad4m. Funny matches ... i remember your bodycheck with some 120dmg and it could have been worse :p
  14. Snowgoons

    Snowgoons Member

    GG's to everyone I've played so far today. I can't remember many of the names except iii Emx iii, who destroyed me with Wolf *sigh* haha.

    Some Hunter ranked people were kind enough to work me over tonight, thanks for the games. (Like I said above, not good with names, sorry If I can't remember the people I play.)
  15. Chibiaya

    Chibiaya Well-Known Member

    Bus Orez
    Great games to Johoseph!! Man, high level vf is nuts. When i get to that level ill be ready to play in your guy's stream. Amazing Goh dude. First good one ive played since the game came out. I honestly didn't know what to do. We should play again man. Again, Great games dude.

    Great games to Motorcityjacky and to sharp7

    Motorcityjacky: You def do play a different jacky style that any other jacky i have played. thats an awesome thing because i need to learn to be more like that lol. Amazing games!

    Sharp7: Sorry for leaving after 5 games, Johoseph and I were going to play and then you showed up lol.
  16. Kidvid711

    Kidvid711 Well-Known Member

    I was trying to put you in a situation but you won't let me. Then each time when I wanted to attack, you attack first making me eat the counter. Good games though. [​IMG]
  17. Sozos

    Sozos Pai Sucksan Content Manager Pai

    we had nice room yesterday with MarlyJay and TSF01!!ggs guys..TSF01 ur goh is amazing..MarlyJay i knew that u play eileen and i was a little afraid to faced u!very nice monkey girl man!!and also very good vanessa..i have problem against eileen is my worst and most annoying character..i have to learn all her stuffs!!!
    thx for the matches!!!very fun games!!
  18. tikgnat

    tikgnat Well-Known Member

    Had a bunch of ggs on ranked last night. Got monstered by Meth few times and got some good games with Emperor Cow.

    Went up to Raider briefly then lost it soon after. Fighters fatigue had set in methinks, but I'm too stupid to stop.
  19. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Kamais Ookin
    GG's to maddy akira today, it was one hell of a brawl on ranked. It was a honor too. [​IMG] Your compliment meant a lot to me and gave me some confidence.

    GG's to Tricky, sorry the deathmatch didn't go your way but like I said no salt, I'll give you run-backs everytime we same plaque. We troll boss-brothers against haunts. [​IMG]

    GG's to Glory, very strong taka with the basic fundamentals hammered down. You met my expectations and it was a great learning experience.
  20. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Evo is mixed in with VF1 because 4 was the debut themes of Lei,Vanessa,Goh and Brad.

    GG's to Jay Jec De3 - Nice Solid Brad that i had a nice fun session with. I did'nt leave i just happen to get banned mid match on the launcher lol!!!

    GG's to Vigaku - Please for the sake of me stop walking back post round like you destroyed something lol!!

    GG's to the Weiand - Beating on that Jeff of you is so relaxing with FS flavor now. See you again Nancy Boy lmao!!

    GG's - K.O. Nice jeff you working on there. Stop trying to fight me from a distance.. The more you back up refusing to heavily engage is when you get picked apart easily once i close in.. What i do know is with the larger character a few you guys go high risk at a certain distances to close in on the gaps.... FS allows this to happen a bit easier. Don't make this a habit... Moves have reach now on whiffs.. before i would use [4][P][P] for about 48 DMG non counter but [4][P]+[K] is giving me about 86 DMG non counter hit.

    GG's to JunoSynth/TexasLion - Taka and Lion madness. Slugfest. Fix that connection Bruh... I enjoy the battles too much.

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