XBL Good Games

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by Myke, Jun 4, 2012.

  1. Sozos

    Sozos Pai Sucksan Content Manager Pai

    You dont get the point friend!!! lol
  2. TheWeirdo 5000

    TheWeirdo 5000 Well-Known Member

    Shang? Is that you?
  3. Sozos

    Sozos Pai Sucksan Content Manager Pai

    I hope to ppl to use dojo wisely and not just mess there just to kill their time. lol
  4. TheWeirdo 5000

    TheWeirdo 5000 Well-Known Member

    Something peculiar is going on, that's for sure.

    On a different thread Keoma asked for help on how to deal with a technique that he found frustrating. Multiple people suggested he go into the dojo and program his bots so he could practice against it. Keoma seemed to find that suggestion agreeable.

    So, assuming he does this, why are you guys on his nuts? I mean, he starts playing the game, he has trouble and asks for advice on how to do deal with, and then he tries to use that advice. Isn't that how its supposed to work?

    edit: real advice on technique, not "fucking man up shitty new guy and play against it til you figure it out. When I was learning to play we had to fight bears to learn how to play vf!"
    Pepsolman likes this.
  5. Keoma

    Keoma Well-Known Member

    I actually don't want to call it "spam". That was more of a setup that I've had trouble countering no matter what I tried. Was looking for some tips since what I had experimented with wasn't giving me consistent results.
  6. Keoma

    Keoma Well-Known Member

    Just to be clear, there are players that I avoid because they proved themselves to be assholes (without the added benefit of entertaining fights).

    The two players I've explicitly avoided aren't assholes, as far as I know. However, with one of them, every match turned into a 2p-fest, which became boring fast. The other one was even duller because all he did was use the same elbow repeatedly.

    I can program a bot for exactly that kind of play if I want to practice, as you said, so I can't can't come up with a reason I'd want to do that with a live player. When I go online, I go with expectations of being entertained at least.
  7. TheWeirdo 5000

    TheWeirdo 5000 Well-Known Member

    Beating the ever loving shit out of cheesy players is one of the most entertaining things about this game. Also, it proves your growth over them and shows them they either need to get better, quit playing, or turn into JCBlack.

    To the dojo with you.
    Keoma likes this.
  8. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Stn Cozby
    Thx man it was nice to e-see you!
    phanatik likes this.
  9. Pepsolman

    Pepsolman Member

    So it's just a coincidence that veteran players have trouble against 2P? What if the combo crazy players complain about you using lots of 2P and kick moves?

    That happens to me a lot, but It's how I get the best result against better players.
    SO let's get this straight. Should using a move that helps you win be considered spamming if your opponent can't stop it? I mean, it is your opponents fault that they lost right? So the word SPAMMING should never be used.
    UroboroSx likes this.
  10. UroboroSx

    UroboroSx Well-Known Member

    Gato Negro Jr

    Agree with Pepsolman, if anyone calls himself a pro or veteran, needs to know that everyone can't fight only with great combos, we fight with other thing: brain, and need to be prepared for everything
    Actually i'm not a pro but i like to fight thinking: "what you gonna do next?"
    Pepsolman likes this.
  11. TheWeirdo 5000

    TheWeirdo 5000 Well-Known Member

    In tech speak, traditionally spamming has meant the repeated transmission of a message (be it an email or 2p on a controller), often to the recipient's grief. By this definition, the use of any attack repeatedly is spam.

    Further: with a decent connection, any intermediate or above player should be able to beat someone spamming 2p. However, as a great many others have said on these boards, VF is an arcade game meant to be played side by side on the same console, and as good as its netcode is, at best it is a close approximation for that precision. If you are using a fast character with either lag or distance/ping issues in your connection...well, you will get a reputation as a lag abusing spammer. You might as well be using a lag-switch at that point, because the difference between cheating outright and lag-spam is purely semantic when you know you are doing it.

    Finally, regarding the "anything to win" mentality: legendary performers in any field from music to sports to science get to the top by learning their instrument/game/subject. They learn the techniques of those who came before, and they take them further. In the case of musicians and athletes, their performances are often defined by those they play with; VF is the same. The old adage "Its not who wins; its how you play the game" is absolutely in effect. Winning rarely makes me happy; knowing I nailed my inputs, my head games, or even a new combo does.

    Anyway, best of luck to you.
  12. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    Which veteran players are these? And if these "combo crazy" players complain about 2P and kicks, call them idiots. I have no idea why those moves would inhibit combo attempts more than other moves anyway.
    BlackGeneral and TheWeirdo 5000 like this.
  13. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    There are no vets that would berate apparent 2p spam or combo heavy gameplay, you do what works.

    Only kind of people that you'll find doing that are scrubs that have limited exposure to the game and probably are as scared to play real players as they are scared to post outside the XBL GGS thread *cough_cough*

    Not knocking scrubs we've all been there, whatever makes the game more fun :p
  14. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Sounds like crap, go look at folk like Homestay rocking those 2p's five times over.
  15. hseiken1

    hseiken1 Well-Known Member

    Oh my derpity doo...
    Feck likes this.
  16. Hey guys. Been away to WoW. When Patch 5.2 landed had lot of guild raids so I had to spend my free time raiding with guildies, it didn't leave me any time for VF. Along all tje other responsibilities. Hopefully I'll get back to VF soon, was a pleasure playing with some of you as long as it lasted.

    Glad to see VF still going strong. Wish you luck all, see you soon! :)
    UroboroSx likes this.
  17. Pepsolman

    Pepsolman Member

    Many would argue with you, winning is all that matters.
  18. MDSPrime

    MDSPrime Grappler & Part time Ninja

    Pilchard LoveR
    Here is a good example of that from a KOF match http://youtu.be/5a8INShKyaw?t=10m49s
    at some point during the set Yoshi realised that Chris G couldn't deal with Kyo's jumping down+C and from that point onwards it was spam all match.
    It's not a good way to play casual matches, but in a competitive scenario it's a legitimate strategy, I'd never play like that in my life but I never complain about people who do; unless it's a lag strategy.
    BlackGeneral and UroboroSx like this.
  19. Keoma

    Keoma Well-Known Member

    what would be the equivalent of that in MMA or boxing? lay and pray? getting on your bicycle?
  20. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Same here man, I need to get back into VF ...all those 3p+k's I threw out, was like Vanilla Feck :(

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