yet more movies

Discussion in 'VF.TV' started by Mr. Bungle, Nov 4, 2001.

  1. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    > In the Yamiyodare clip, he only P(G)ed once or twice in the entire match.

    You left out that he starts the first round off with PG,PG,elbow. He tries PG at the beginning of another. He tries elbows and d+P,elbow numerous time. The rest of the match he was mostly busy with choking up, having his occasional random heelkick and dodging attacks blocked or lead to nothing, and getting reamed by beat knuckle combos.

    > In the Heruru clip, he did P(G) -> elbow a lot more in the first two rounds only

    He does it all over the place. As well as stuff like PG,elbow,elbow, PG,PG,elbow and JM,elbow,elbow,elbow,elbow (!). "Rarely pokes"...what a laugh.

    > but it's kinda funny how the P often MCed and how the elbow often staggered eh?

    Not really. And he gets nailed out of a number of elbow attempts in the Yamiyodare movie; most are just blocked. And a poke move is a poke move; to suggest that it's somehow different when they hit/stagger is typical Ice-9 sickening warped logic.

    > If you're gonna base your judgement of Kyasao that he's a poker based on the above, power to you.

    Ugh, fuck you and your selective "facts", boyo. I don't give a shit if you played him, or even if you've tossed Kyasao's salad. The VF4 movies pretty definitively throw your lines about him "rarely poking" out the window screaming hysterically while on fire. At the end, that's all my point is.
  2. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    ice-9 wrote:
    <blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr>

    How do you back dash with you back to the opponent then?

    Lonelyfighter answered:
    <blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr>

    Yes if you mean buffering the back dash into the turn around animation


    Lonelyfighter's answer is just a specific case of being able to do a back-turned back dash (after a TA attack). The more general and simple answer is that it must be buffered but cannot be buffered with Guard, because G will turn you around.

    Most movies have shown Kage buffering it after the d+P+KK (which is a TA attack). But, once your back is turned, you can buffer it after attacks which don't turn you around as well (uf+K, uf+K+G, etc).
  3. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Geez, how long did it take you to write that post; I had edited mine soon after I posted to make it less...err, "pisser offer" to sensitive folks.

    Anyway, to clear my definition of poking...poking is throwing attacks out continuously with the idea that the opponent will block incorrectly at some point. Thus I don't consider any particular move to always be a poking move...poking is context-driven, not absolute.

    When Kyasao used P(G) against Joh, it interrupted most of the time. Meaning, Kyasao knew that Joh was going to keep attacking and used the P to interrupt him. And when Kyasao elbowed, it was in anticipation of Joh crouching. I.e., Kyasao didn't punch or elbow at random; Kyasao being able to hit Joh most of the time (including the JS elbow, elbow, elbow) supports that. In any case, I admit, this is a subtle difference that requires some deeper thinking to follow. Then again, why do I even bother trying to discuss anything that's not blatantly obvious? Oh yeah, it must be to get into another Rich flame fest of profanity.
  4. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Most movies have shown Kage buffering it after the d+P+KK (which is a TA attack). But, once your back is turned, you can buffer it after attacks which don't turn you around as well (uf+K, uf+K+G, etc).

    Myke, what do you mean? You can only backwards with a move? E.g., after Kage has his back to the opponent, if he wanted to move towards the opponent, he'd have do something like van halen kick (u/f+K) -> b,b?
  5. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    **Anyway, to clear my definition of poking...poking is throwing attacks out continuously with the idea that the opponent will block incorrectly at some point.**

    Uh. Dude. Taking that "definition" (you said "your" definition! You're improving! You win some points!) at its most literal, that's ANY move. Unless you want to win exclusively with throws, that's the FUCKING POINT OF THE GAME. Even reading into your "definition" with a clue, the closest you come to the generally accepted idea of what poking means is with "continuously", but continuous, say...f,f+K's with Jeffry ain't poking.

    That's cute - twist the meaning of the word to suit your inane logic.

    Fuck you.
  6. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Myke, what do you mean? You can only backwards with a move? E.g., after Kage has his back to the opponent, if he wanted to move towards the opponent, he'd have do something like van halen kick (u/f+K) -> b,b?

    Exactly what I said, it can only be buffered. Since you cannot buffer during G, that only leaves buffering during attack recovery. So yeah, something like van halen - bb will do it.

    Just to flog this horse one more time, when your character is back-turned:

    * G = turn-toward opponent
    * u or d = a turn-toward dodge
    * f or b or any diagonal (includes double taps) = turn-toward opponent
    * UF, F, DF = walk forward (i.e. away from opponent)

    Any motions I've left out don't do anything special (apart from turning you around). But as you can see, if you so much as touch G, or tap any direction, you'll be turning around to face the opponent. The only way to move while remaining back-turned is to hold any direction away from the opponent (i.e. UF, F, DF), or buffer a back dash during attack recovery.
  7. Pinkgirl

    Pinkgirl Well-Known Member

    <blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr>

    * G = turn-toward opponent
    * u or d = a turn-toward dodge
    * f or b or any diagonal (includes double taps) = turn-toward opponent
    * UF, F, DF = walk forward (i.e. away from opponent)

    Any motions I've left out don't do anything special (apart from turning you around). But as you can see, if you so much as touch G, or tap any direction, you'll be turning around to face the opponent. The only way to move while remaining back-turned is to hold any direction away from the opponent (i.e. UF, F, DF), or buffer a back dash during attack recovery.

    <hr></blockquote> Wow thanks this is really useful... But why has the system changed??? *puzzled* Why haven't they retained the VF3 system for back-facing-opponent? /versus/images/icons/shocked.gif
  8. Hayai_JiJi

    Hayai_JiJi Well-Known Member

    Oh I did not know you could buffer the back dash from attacks that keep you back turned. That was a pretty big oversite on my part thanks alot Myke.

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