Your Best and Worst game quotes

Discussion in 'General' started by Modelah, Dec 3, 2012.

  1. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    ALL the English voice acting in this game is GODLIKE! Eat dick if you disagree.

    Jean's one about turning you into Foie Gras, is pretty hilarious as well.
    Koenraku likes this.
  2. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    "Can't ever picture YOU winning....hahahaha"
  3. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Jeffry: I... WIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Lion: ...forgot to train, eh?

    El Blaze's are all pretty lame. He sounds like some kind of third-rate boxing announcer.
    Vanessa sucks.
    Jacky's aren't impressive but that might just be 'cos I'm used to seeing them.
    Brad's 'might makes right' nonsense sounds like something the ogreish Jeffry should be saying.
    Wolf's 'to be strong is beautiful' doesn't at all fit with his character, and seems like something Brad should say.
    Sarah is boring.

    All the Japanese ones sound cool, but angry Japanese always sounds good when you don't know what they're saying.
  4. CodyHunter07

    CodyHunter07 Well-Known Member

    Ok, so no secret I think VF quotes are lame as all hell.
    Still, I will try to give some props to some, only because some of them actually fit with the character saying them and even the tone isn't as piss poor as some others.

    Here we go, again, leaving alone the Japanese voice overs.
    Bear with me, these still won't win any voice acting awards, but they are 'less terrible'..

    Sarah: "Better run home to Mama now" , "Try again in a few years", and " Let's see how many seconds you'll last"

    Well, what can I say.
    Sarah is the queen of sexual innuendo. From the way the slut dresses to the way she talks....she oozes "Come pork me".
    But of course, she plays ultra hard to get, and will kick your ass if you aren't up to par.
    Kinda like Red gotta beat her to bed her.
    Anyways, her lines fit in with taunting of the male species as only a true harlot (a tough one though) can. Though, for the same reasons, her lines fall flat vs. the other female characters.

    Vanessa: "On the battlefield, you'd be dead" and "You are no match for me"

    Those actually aren't bad lines for winning a fight...they are pretty bare bones and to the point, but goddammit the tone and inflection.
    She really doesn't sound like a tough military dyke chick...sounds like some friggin high school cheerleader delivering the lines.
    Still, the lines themselves if uttered (yes, UTTERED, thats what big bulky he-shes do---utter) by a deeper voiced menacing female hulk, then they would be ten times more convincing.

    Wolf: "Wrestling is the ULTIMATE sport!" and "You won't stay on your FEET when you fight me"

    Well, from experience in sparring actual free style wrestlers, something like that said after one takes you down a couple of times hard can be intimidating. There is of course, that slack jawed delivery again from the Wolf voice actor, but get someone in there with an actual pair, and ya, big bad Wolf would make me think twice about challenging him again.

    Jeffry: "This will hurt YOU, more than it hurts me"

    Again, delievery aside, if a large black Aussie growled something like that at me, knowing full well he ain't foolin around, it would be scary.
    Besides, this is Jeff's attempt at being philosophical, you know, all those parenting guides where the spanking parent says it hurts them more than it hurts the child because of the tough love being given...

    Well, ol Jeff here doesn't have kids, he deals with large toothed fish, and he's pissed about it, so he is no mood to quote parents' guides verbatim...

    Lion: "You better take me seriously"

    You know, the Duke of Dorkchester delivery in which this line from the lil French boy is made actually fits the geek quite well.
    I mean, really. Look at the toothpick kid...who in the hell WOULD take him seriously?
    Sure, he is a first rate ankle biter, and can be quite frustrating to fight, but at first glance, he isn't intimidating at all. Hence, his need to let you know up front.
    Wow...a dork line that actually WORKS! Good job, little man!

    Jacky: It's like you're moving in slow MO-tion!"

    Well, Jacky is a quick dude.
    He is flashy, and the cocky bastard is just fast enough to truly make others look like they are slogging through water.
    Thing is, the line fits him, bad delivery once again and all, but as he is posing, he almost acts like he is not sure if that is his line or not.
    I dunno, I sense a bit of hesitation in him memorizing his line.
    Quick...someone get him his cue cards...
  5. MadeManG74

    MadeManG74 Moderator Staff Member Tournament Manager Silver Supporter

    I forgot about this one, but Wolf's howl at the end of certain quotes is my favourite. The way it echoes gives it an especially cool touch.

    Funnily enough, it's probably best with the toy hammer win pose, the silliest pose with the most chilling victory cry.
  6. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    Am I the only one who prefers the terrible voice acting on the english speakers? I think the game would lose some of it's charm if they changed it to "look how cool and badass I sound, fear me!" guys.

    I particularly enjoy the ones where the translation doesn't quite fit.

    "You're never gonna win, by that strength!"
    akai likes this.

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